Making a simple sampler + sequencer
Din midi to usb host latency
Balanced output
Axoloti core as a "Part" on Fritzing
Screen for the axoloti
Air pressure sensor with 4 pins
Using the Spacenavigator 3D mouse
Zoom R16/24 support
50Kohm potentiometer too sensitive (not travelling full range), burning smell
An alternative take on making an enclosure
Axoloti noise problem
Tapping-in to a MIDI signal path with a second MIDI signal?
Linnstrument + Axoloti first tests
5V supply for midi controllers from different source
Semi-modular hardware patch bay?
Mono output possible?
Interaction between GPIO's - erratic?
MIDI OUT through USB
Axo + 3volts relay
Is a TDM input on Axoloti possible?
Ordering Axoloti Core
Hardware interface concept question
Connecting audio output to an amp with shared power supply (same Ground)
Minimal axoloti board
Why the DC bias on headphone out?
Technical question: power source
Mechnical advice needed
Endless encoder
Delaying Modular Input signals by small amounts
Audio out via headphone jack but not 1/4" output
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