
Axocontrol multiple pages (3)
Question: Using patches in a live setting (7)
Correct Application of Sub-patching - all complicated patches? (3)
Subtractive Synthesis - Wind 'n Waves (5)
Editing Patch Bank (8)
Wah wah wah wah (pedal) (5)
Strange sram overflow outcome (2)
DOD Gonkulator Style Ring Modulator (5)
Bi Polar Gain? - Am I missing something? (10)
Best way for a polyphonic mpe "sampler" (10)
Binaural Doppler panner-patch (3)
Really Slow ADSR (14)
Creating a similar solution to USAMO with Axoloti (7)
Patch for the longest possible delay time? ( 2 ) (21)
Oscillator Sync vs. Reset (15)
Midi Sequencer + Midi Clock Out (1)
Generating sync signals for brds (csaw sync) (1)
Table2 table/play pitch (5)
Midi Breath Controller for CC ( 2 ) (32)
Replace any audio cycle with a sign wave object (10)
"Steppy" sounding MIDI LFO's using thinning (5)
Which euclidian sequencer do you use? (1)
Clock and wave playback in sync (2)
What's the best way to "switch" between settings, like env gate types? (3)
New patching tutorial : live sampling fun (beat, arp and granular) (4)
Waveform morph knob? (11)
USB Host - multiples? (3)
Starting points for guitarists (10)
How to multiply frequency? (8)
GM 110 Bagpipe patch? (1)