Yeah, the idea was to build a chaotic oscillator, but actually a spring-mass system (even with two springs and two masses) is a harmonic oscillator.
A truly chaotic oscillator would be the double pendulum, however i felt the need to try something simpler before moving to that (because a double pendulum involves forces directed in two dimensions) and i still don't have proper padronance of trig functions.
What i did was more of a resonator (a sufficiently long chain of such objects with a working friction implementation could model a spring reverb).
Now, the problem is that i don't have a background in low-level programming, i'm improvising and surfing on the notions i learned on some courses in this semester (notions of numeric calculus and analytical mechanics).
The problem is that making the stuff work for a microcontroller involves using a limited set of instructions and optimizing the hell out of the code. (that's a lot of stuff!)
I recently got some ideas to overcome the integration problem (basically using a more refined method than euler's (which suffers heavily of rounding errors) like the midpoint method, see for some insight) . I've read Johannes implemented runge-kutta integration for some object (i can't remember which one, though)