
STM32F42X 5V tolerant? (2)
Patchblocks to Axoloti (2)
Axo-Euro modular modular meanderings (4)
Yamaha MD-BT01 + Axoloti (7)
Did I fry my DC part? (7)
Unreliable MIDI (2)
Axocontrol Board (10)
Axoloti Control still in dev? (16)
GPS module object for generative music (3)
Will connecting six 300K potentiometers to gpio/in work? (3)
External input limits? (6)
Simplest Arduino to Axoloti method (CV or Serial or midi) (2)
Power protecting Axoloti (1)
Anyone willing to sell an Axoloti Core? (11)
Long shot question: how to fry a USB port (3)
Considering selling (UK) Axoloti Cores / Axocontrols (6)
Any interest in this line levels expander board? (8)
Audio input level for use in guitar amp's effects loop (3)
Axoloti controller plan - encoders, touch screen TFT (8)
Help needed for touch overlay with USB-mouse connection (12)
Control Rotary from my Knob (3)
Wish List for future additions and upgrades to board (7)
Is there someone selling an axoloti enclosure in germany? (2)
Resources / documentation on hardware? To facilitate constructing our own boards (4)
Add volume potentiometers (10)
How to interface axoloti with Plants ? Midi sprout 300 €? (13)
Axoloti core boards - availability (3)
Axoloti core with hardware for sale (8)
Analog control and processing power (12)
Sending text over MIDI (to Arduino) (15)