Hi everyone,
I'm looking for a way to communicate with SYSEX.
I make my GUI on Liine Lemur atm that's why sysex seems to be the best way to get more than simple midi data.
I need it for various purposes:
* sending a list of every parameters names of a patch (to emulate LCD character)
* getting/setting patch parameters
* sending/receiving more complex data than the usual 7bit midi data
I tried to use the Push library c++ files by @thetechnobear (I can code in c++, c, a bit of assembler) but don't quite understand how to actually use it:
* Are the C sources compiled everytime the push object is added to the a patch?
* How can I use those sources to create another project in an IDE (say XCode) ?
* How do I create my own library in Axoloti using external C files ?
Since Lemur can receive patchs (that are XML files) via OSC(simple UDP messages) I was also thinking in storing a patch inside an Axoloti and having an Arduino bridging Serial and OSC (and adding OSCQuery to Axoloti ...)