---codes edited---
I played with esp8266 since one year, make some OSC controllers. Now i began to implement an axoloti object to com over serial with esp.
it's based on modified Paul's object "euxo/1-2/midi/button_pot". I used a WeMos clone as esp board.
Basically ESP12-E get float OSC messages and convert to 27bit (positive K-rate) incoded in 4x7bit bytes (midi data style),
ESP send serial.write (128+outlet number) "start byte" then send 4 data bytes (0 -127). So each OSC message received by ESP send a 5 bytes packet to Axoloti RX PA3. then OSC Axoloti object parse the packet and feed the outlets.
This offtenly work, but some time freeze aquire data (esp still receive osc). I need to improve this with your help.
"EDIT", now it's much more stable, I guess the other loaded objets made redondant serial declarations or something like that.
Wiring diagram :
I use a dedicate offline wifi router and I send osc messages with Lemur from ipad3 (broadcast Ip 192. 168. 0. 255) : /axo1, /axo2 ... /axo16
XML code of the object :
<axoObject id="test OSC sérial receive" uuid="d7ee3bc0-7466-4dbe-8769-bb5e15631a44">
<sDescription>enable serial2( PA2/PA3 = SD2, baudrate: 115200) to communicate with esp-12 (esp8266) to recieve 16 float Osc messages : /axo1 ... /axo16</sDescription>
<frac32.positive name="axo1"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo2"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo3"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo4"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo5"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo6"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo7"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo8"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo9"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo10"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo11"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo12"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo13"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo14"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo15"/>
<frac32.positive name="axo16"/>
<code.declaration><![CDATA[uint32_t axo1,axo2,axo3,axo4,axo5,axo6,axo7,axo8,axo9,axo10,axo11,axo12,axo13,axo14,axo15,axo16;
uint8_t ch; // channel code for outlet 128 + channel number
uint8_t inData[4] = { 0 }; // incomming datas for 27bit value
msg_t ThreadX2(){
chRegSetThreadName("euxo button pot"); // define thread name
while(!sdGetWouldBlock(&SD2) ){
ch = sdGet(&SD2);
switch((uint8_t) ch) { // Parsing start bytes
case 129 : // axo1 start code : 128 + 1
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo1 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 130 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo2 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 131 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo3 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 132 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo4 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 133 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo5 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 134 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo6 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 135 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo7 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 136 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo8 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 137 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo9 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 138 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo10 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 139 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo11 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 140 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo12 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 141 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo13 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 142 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo14 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 143 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo15 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
case 144 :
inData[0] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[1] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[2] = sdGet(&SD2); inData[3] = sdGet(&SD2);
axo16 = (inData[0] << 21) | (inData[1] << 14) | (inData[2] << 7) | inData[3] ; //sum at 1<<27
default :
break; //printf("error");
static msg_t EuxoButPot(void *arg) {
((attr_parent *)arg)->ThreadX2();
WORKING_AREA(waEuxoButPot, 256);
Thread *Thd;]]></code.declaration>
<code.init><![CDATA[palSetPadMode(GPIOA, 3, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(7)|PAL_MODE_INPUT);// RX
palSetPadMode(GPIOA, 2, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(7));// TX
static const SerialConfig sd2Cfg = {115200, 0, 0, 0}; // set to midi baud rate but works also with higher baud rates.
sdStart(&SD2, &sd2Cfg);
Thd = chThdCreateStatic(waEuxoButPot, sizeof(waEuxoButPot),NORMALPRIO, EuxoButPot, (void *)this);]]></code.init>
<code.krate><![CDATA[outlet_axo1 = this->axo1;
outlet_axo2 = this->axo2;
outlet_axo3 = this->axo3;
outlet_axo4 = this->axo4;
outlet_axo5 = this->axo5;
outlet_axo6 = this->axo6;
outlet_axo7 = this->axo7;
outlet_axo8 = this->axo8;
outlet_axo9 = this->axo9;
outlet_axo10 = this->axo10;
outlet_axo11 = this->axo11;
outlet_axo12 = this->axo12;
outlet_axo13 = this->axo13;
outlet_axo14 = this->axo14;
outlet_axo15 = this->axo15;
outlet_axo16 = this->axo16;]]></code.krate>
Should I need to process some kind of checksum, use a more efficient parsing or implement a call/response protocol ?
and is there some "if (Serial.available() >9) ..." ? any other idea?
I'm more habit to Arduino IDE than C compiller, I red all topics about serial com (gpio PA2/PA3), but there is still a lot of shadows in my mind.
Thank you.
Here my work in progress arduino schetch, if you want to try this at home (now all 16 channels axo1, axo2 ... axo16 implement) :
Based on Open Sound Control (OSC) library for the ESP8266/ESP32
Receiving open sound control (OSC) bundles on the ESP8266/ESP32
and serial com to Axoloti DSP
Gael Jaton 2018
code is in the public domain.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef ESP8266
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <OSCMessage.h>
#include <OSCBundle.h>
#include <OSCData.h>
char ssid[] = "NUMERICABLE-A7A6"; // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "DD0258CE42F43E8AE7EACD4D4D"; // your network password
byte serialData[4] = { 0 };
//byte inbyte = 0;
unsigned long nextmillis = 50;
// A UDP instance to let us send and receive packets over UDP
WiFiUDP Udp;
//const IPAddress outIp(192, 168, 0, 255); // remote IP of your computer
//const unsigned int outPort = 8888; // remote port to receive OSC
const unsigned int localPort = 8000; // local port to listen for OSC packets (actually not used for sending)
OSCErrorCode error;
int ledState; // LOW means led is *on*
#define BUILTIN_LED 2
void setup() {
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, ledState); // turn *on* led
// Connect to WiFi network
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, 1);
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, 0);
// IPAddress ip(192, 168, 0, 11); ////////////////////////////////////////////
// IPAddress routeur(192, 168, 0, 1);
// IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
// WiFi.config(ip, routeur, subnet);
Serial.println("WiFi connected");
Serial.println("IP address: ");
Serial.println("Starting UDP");
Serial.print("Local port: ");
#ifdef ESP32
void serialSendToAxo(byte startByte, uint32_t msg32) { // send to axoloti start byte include message number, then send 4 messages of 7bit data
serialData[0] = msg32 >> 26 & B01111111; // pack into buf string as 4 x 7bit bytes
serialData[1] = msg32 >> 19 & B01111111;
serialData[2] = msg32 >> 12 & B01111111;
serialData[3] = msg32 >> 5 & B01111111;
Serial.write((byte)startByte); Serial.write((byte)serialData[0]); Serial.write((byte)serialData[1]); Serial.write((byte)serialData[2]); Serial.write((byte)serialData[3]);
void axo1(OSCMessage &msg) {
uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff;
int ledState = 1023 - 1023 * msg.getFloat(0);
analogWrite(2, ledState);
serialSendToAxo(129, msg32);
void axo2(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(130, msg32); }
void axo3(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(131, msg32); }
void axo4(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(132, msg32); }
void axo5(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(133, msg32); }
void axo6(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(134, msg32); }
void axo7(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(135, msg32); }
void axo8(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(136, msg32); }
void axo9(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(137, msg32); }
void axo10(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(138, msg32); }
void axo11(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(139, msg32); }
void axo12(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(140, msg32); }
void axo13(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(141, msg32); }
void axo14(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(142, msg32); }
void axo15(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(143, msg32); }
void axo16(OSCMessage &msg) { uint32_t msg32 = msg.getFloat(0) * 0xffffffff; serialSendToAxo(144, msg32); }
void loop() {
OSCBundle bundle;
int size = Udp.parsePacket();
if (size > 0) {
while (size--) {
if (!bundle.hasError()) {
bundle.dispatch("/axo1", axo1);
bundle.dispatch("/axo2", axo2);
bundle.dispatch("/axo3", axo3);
bundle.dispatch("/axo4", axo4);
bundle.dispatch("/axo5", axo5);
bundle.dispatch("/axo6", axo6);
bundle.dispatch("/axo7", axo7);
bundle.dispatch("/axo8", axo8);
bundle.dispatch("/axo9", axo9);
bundle.dispatch("/axo10", axo10);
bundle.dispatch("/axo11", axo11);
bundle.dispatch("/axo12", axo12);
bundle.dispatch("/axo13", axo13);
bundle.dispatch("/axo14", axo14);
bundle.dispatch("/axo15", axo15);
bundle.dispatch("/axo16", axo16);
else {
error = bundle.getError();
//Serial.print("error: ");
if (WiFi.status() != 3 ) {
analogWrite(2, 1023);
analogWrite(2, 0);
*more tests with different controllers
*try access point "WiFi.softAPConfig(local_IP, gateway, subnet)" provide by ESP for more mobility...