game of life just entered the axoloti! 
core Game of Life module that uses rules similar, but not the same as Conway's Game of Life.
1st difference is that cells not only are dead OR alive, they can have 3 different "life" values.
Black is an invinsible "God". It cannot die, but it does create.
White, of course, is "dead" and can become alive when the total amount of the cells around it is exactly 3.
Light grey is the first level of existence and will survive and gain a level (become dark-grey) as long as the total amount of the cells around it is 2 or 3. If the total amount is below 2 it dies, but also if the total of the surrounding is higher then 3. As it gets "fought" by "overpopulation" it loses half of the difference between the total of the surrounding cells and it's own value.
Dark grey is the second level of existence and stays the same as long as the total amount of the cells around it is 2 or 3. If the total amount is below 2 it loses 1 level and becomes white again. When it gets "fought" by "overpopulation" it loses half of the difference between the total of the surrounding cells and it's own value. So 2 dark-grey cells can kill a white cell, but at least 6 light grey cells are needed to kill a dark one, or 4/5 cells will take off 1 level.
CV readout module for reading out particular XY coordinates of the game of life (externally controllable). CV can be scaled between minimum and maximum value and it also generates a high-gate when the selected cell is alive
CV readout module to use an entire row for setting a CV value. CV can be scaled between minimum and maximum value
CV readout module that selects a 2D surface on the lifeGame module and scales the outcom of the total of the cells between the min/max settings. Note though, that for maximum value, all cells should become black, which rarely happens, so output has somewhat of an exponential curve.