SirSickSik Contributions


Is there any way to remove the aliasing from the oscillator? (i have only tested the ShapingOsc though, might not be a problem with the other osc:)

I just tested your distortion filter on vocals. it is SO dirty! I love it! It actually takes me back to a plugin i used on the scope/creamware platform, and oddly, the plugin was called "Dirt"... Great work!

Regarding the pitch shifter. I get a small slapback delay when doing any pitch shifting (Mostly when I pitch up/down a couple of tones. When I pitch up high the delay is pretty much gone). It might just be the nature of the beast, or maybe im not completely understanding how to works:)

But seriously! This is some impressive work! If this took you 3 weeks i cant imagine what 3 years will look like:)


3-stage custom curved (for each stage independently) ADSR anyone? :stuck_out_tongue:
Fixed it!


Freaaaaakin aawesome!!!!!


Cool! That's what I was hoping to do when I made the k-rate exponential/bezier interpolation objects.



I've made several new modules again:


 "4xchart":            4 inputs, 4 charts... why not?


 "ADSRbezier":     ADSR with custom curving parameters, three for each stage (A, D, R).
 "ADSRbezMem": module for controlling the ADSR curves with just 1 knob and parameter-selector and "add"  
                           function for each parameter.
 "ADtimecrv":       AD envelope with 2 time-controls for each stage. Envelope output level crossfades between the 
                           two time levels.


  "64-c":                for inverting unipolar audio or float signals.


 "13ModSelector": for 8 outputs, select between 13 modulation inputs and set their respective level.

shape: (I made up this new folder, meant for phase/oscillator/LFO "shaping" modules.)

 "6xHrmrphCtrl":   Controller module for a mistery oscillator coming up, think about "telHarmonic on steroids" ;)
 "Ushape":           Input a unipolar saw-wave (phazor) and it outputs 5 shapes. Each shape has a phase-offset input, 
                          except SIN.


I'm getting a couple of errors when syncing the libraries:

...axoloti\axoloti-contrib\objects\sss\env\ADtimecrv.axo, ParseError at [row,col]:[3,85]
Message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup. ParseError at [row,col]:[3,85]
Message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.
-- java stack trace snipped --


Error reading object, try relaxed mode ...\axoloti\axoloti-contrib\objects\sss\env\ADtimecrv.axo ParseError at [row,col]:[3,85]
Message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup. ParseError at [row,col]:[3,85]
Message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.
-- java stack trace snipped --


yeah, something went wrong with a save, should have fixed it by now, right?


mystery synth demo using the ADSRbezier module and a polyphonic midi recorder subpatch I made :imp:


Yep - it syncs fine now :thumbsup:


new module made in-between doing stuff:

"PhazorFM": phazor oscillator with frequency dependent thru-zero linear FM, features an FM-index control input.


ok ehm... mhehehe :imp:
new module.. the mistery oscillator: FM freaking mahem!
(I don't think there's ever been an oscillator like this, not sure, didn't check haha)

-6 oscillator cores with morphing sines from one harmonic to the other, up to the 512th harmonic (awesome at very low pitch).
-each core has it's own phase generator and pitch-inlets for creating complex waves/chords.
-Detuning parameter for the 6 cores for even more spectral mahem.
-the harmonic position of each core is set using smooth "spreading" parameters respective to the main position.
-main position is controlled by an internal LFO, scanning through all the harmonics smoothly.
-harmonic "jump" position is controlled by two "step" parameters, skipping in-between harmonics and repeating from minimum position when above the maximum harmonic "range" (like the divremc module).
-each core has thru-zero frequency modulation with FMindex (frequency dependent modulation width) inlet.
-each core can smoothly scan through all other cores as sources, as well as the combined AM (ringmod).
-shifting parameters allow to smoothly offset each source scanner.
-FMin inlet provides external FM.
-inbuild HP filters for FM signals make sure the pitch isn't offset from the right tuning (no DC-offset) and output has no DC-offset.
-walk-outlet for using the phase of the internal LFO to control external modules (eg use one of my shapers to smoothly modulate even more of the parameters).

CPU usage.... ehrm haha... 27%



make ur example downloadable i know why u call urself sick:mask:


almost there! it's just so much fun listening to this mahem hahaha

oh btw, I don't have a sss map in the patches directory.. can I make one myself or...?
if so, I added it in the patches folder.


Tudum taaaaa, three more oscillators today :slight_smile:


-pllOSC: provides a MOD input to phase-lock-loop the oscillator to another audio source (guitar or voice for
Features linear thru zero modulation with modulation index width.

-1coreModOSC: single core oscillator for extreme modulations.
Both internal and external thru-zero linear and exponental FM and PM. Linear FM has modulation
index width.
Internal LFM, EFM and PM have a shift-register function to readout up to 32 previous samples.

-2coreModOSC Dual core oscillator for extreme modulations.
Both cores have controls for linear and exponental FM from the internal output.
Controls over external linear FM and PM.
-two cores which are treated as x/y coördinates to perform a


next one:


-16 controls preset-memory module (memory when used in combination with table load, table save and string "indexed" module).
-current selected value is shown through a display
-selected value gets updated at a trigger in (eg use logic "change" module or a momentary trigger)
-independent read/write position (if you want to create a new sound "by mind" before switching to it live :wink: )
-read/write position can be seen as "internal presets". The longer the table, the more presets you can make.

-information for self-updating the code to your own needs is provided. It's quite a work making it massive for 64 parameters or so, but should be rather simple!

Don't forget the table allocation module! The longer you make the table-memory, the more "internal presets" you have without the "load table" glitching your sound out! Just load once and have thousands of presets in the memory!


I added a second version of the pitchshifter (old version still available)

a pitchshifter with independent controls for
Also features a rate-to-window ratio inlet for adjusting the windowsize for another "sound character" while keeping the same pitchshifting level and a delay-buffer-length bit-inlet to set delay-size (Use Phi delay-write-pow-out to connect to this inlet). Setting the buffer size to high creates some kind of combined pitchshifter/delay with reverse options.



DELAY folder:
mono in, stereo out pingpong-delay featuring internal modulation LFO/oscillator (LFO/OSC automatically adjusted to
used rate.). Controlled by "total left+right" time and timing ratio between left and right delay. Modulation can control both
timing and left/right time ratio.

-timeSpread: to be used with delayModPing module. Set left/right spreading division in "whole parts ratio".

ps. depending on the delay-length setting, modulation and feedback settings this module can be used for:


YOU ARE INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant believe the speed!



"syncKing": based on one of my synthedit projects, features all kinds of different syncing modes together with modulation options (lin FM, PM and AM). Creates lots of different aggressive waveforms.


-two waveform functions, each with their own "PWM" control mode.
-control inlets for FM and AM width (eg for envelopes). FM is linear FM with frequency dependent modulation-index-width.
-independent audio inlets for phase, FM, AM and sync (of course you can all feed them the same signal).
-hardsync: resets phase to 0 immediately
-direcsync: reverses playdirection at sync
-bitsync: syncs phase to && bit of sync input
-softsync: syncs phase to 0, but with LP filter.
-swapsync: inverses output polarity
-possync: depending on phase position, soft-syncs phase forwards or backwards.
-stepsync: at sync moves phase at the amount of the "RespPo" setting.
-"grit" parameter feeds output back to phase position.


ps... let's put it this way...
in the last 15 years I created over 2000 SE projects, resulting in around 1000 plugins and a week (probably more) of continuous audio... XD
I even crashed the site by a mp3 upload "bomb" hihihi.