Has anyone considered making a CV interface geared towards a standalone unit? I am imagining something slim and rectangular, with the interface on the top of the enclosure and the Axoloti IO in its full glory on the back.
I feel like this could appeal to people with a single semimodular synth or people looking to downsize their modular setup.
If I had the time, I would love to spin something up as a way to learn PCB and mechanical design, but I am not interested in this as a commercial project, more something for the community that could potentially expand the audience for the Axoloti project. I figured I would float the idea in case someone wants to pursue it and is in a better position to make something happen.
Also another thing I have been kicking around, I developed a project using this chip and it has some really interesting IO potential. It can run a touch sense controller AND has the potential for almost a dozen high quality 16-bit ADC inputs (the ST SDADC converters are leagues better than the SAR ADCs that are standard on F series MCUs).
These are my think-thoughts for today, wanted to get them out into the world rather than stewing on them!