MusicThingModular Controller subpatch - Axo control


Hey communitaaaaaaaay :innocent:

I have been working on a patch for the Modular thing add on, that is supposed to give it more functions pr. knob. Basically I am trying to set up a knob matrix a bit similar to Blofelds, where you have 4 “master knobs" that can be routed to different destinations. For example have a layer for filter and a layer for oscillators one for effects, etc.

I have got the setup working, but there is one thing I haven’t been able to tackle yet. When I have a layer selected and switch to another layer, and then switch back to the first layer, the first layer will automatically jump to the new value that the master knob send to the other layer. This is not so good, cause it will make drastic, unwanted changes to the sound. Would be much better if the master knob only takes over when the value of first layer knob is reached. WHat is this called soft take over? Or hooking?

So ok, I thought i’d try to use the hook object to sort this out. But the problem is when you change layer on the multiplexer away from the hook object, there is no input fed to the hook object anymore and it will automatically jump to zero. It doesn’t hold the value if no input is fed to it. I have tried setting it up in numerous ways, using demux sh from com.lib. and also tried making my own set up using demux, sample and hold, and hook object in different sequences, with hook object first or sample and hold objet first, but I just can not get a grip on how to set this up.

Anyway, here are 3 different methods, none have been succesful yes… argh…

All ideas are welcome.

NB... Dont use this version take the one further down the thread!

MusicThingModular Controller: How to program it
SirSickSik Contributions

It needs to be unhooked when you switch, I have a version with an unhook input, I'll dig it out and add it to the community library when I get home.



Will check the com.lib. later on then :wink:


Parameter dont stay position after demux sh

Works exactly as supposed :wink: Thank you for the upload.


great, i was just trying to do this myself!
could you please upload what you've done after including the hookmod.axo? :slight_smile:


also, is there any way to control the layer selection via the modular thing buttons/knobs?


Oh, I didnt make the full patch for the modular thing. Ill upload it when I have. I just got this working yesterday, so havent build the patch yet. But is pretty straight forward. Check the helpfile. Instead using the dial_1 in the helpfile to feed into the muxer, you can use a gpio/in/analog. That should work. If you have "jitter" from the pots, you can remove the most of it by using a smooth object. So gpio/in/analog to smooth, to demux. The different outpus of the demux goes to the different destinations.


Try this one out. I have made a test version for the 6 knobs. You use the first button on the right to choose between layer 1 & 2. It is pretty sijple to add the last stuff from here. Or else you can also check Tom Whitwells patch on Github. It shows how to set up everything. You need to use @hellcores hookmod object for this patch to work.

There are 2 versions. One that uses the cv from the gpio directly and one that converts the gpios to midi cc. Layer 1 is midi cc 1-6 and layer 2 is midi cc 7-12.

AAAAND the updated and final version with joystick as well as the buttons included. Modular thing controller subpatch:
MODULAR THING 8.axp (80.7 KB)

Beginners Help Needed: Music Thing Modular
Dial matrix - jumping parameters
AxoControl Multi-Parameters
Latching values one pot - 3 functions
Assigning Pushbuttons
Hook and hookmod not working as expected
Patching Challenge (aka Please Help!)
Cpwitz Contributions
A dial with "shift" function to send value to different outputs
How to understand Axoloti & MTM Axocontroller object language
Why does my demuxer eat so much SRAM?
How would you do pot pick-up behaviour?

amazing! thank you :slight_smile:


at the moment I'm working on an expandable signal router which could be very well used with this patch. maybe coming out tomorrow, just keep track of my module updates in contributions.
it hasn't got external inlets yet, to be able to be controlled by the V1 CV module overhere, though that's just a matter of seconds to add..

idea is that you only need a single control (or you can add any amount of controllers you want) to be able to control up to 32*8 controls. Each receive module has 8 outs and up to 32 receive modules can be selected (can be increased by changing the max-value of the selector)


Hello, regarding the patch MODULAR THING 8.axp, what are the differences, advantages and disadvantages of using midi version or the version cv?


Midi cc is not high resolution as cv... cv has 1024 values, midi only 128, if I remember correct.


Im using the knob setup with hooks from this patch. Sometimes the knobs wont work when changing function. It seems to be very random what knob doesn't work and when.


I think there once was issues with the hook object if the value went to 0. Then it wouldnt hook up again...


Yes I saw there some post about that. But I thought that issue had been fixed. I have synced the libraries and still getting that bug :frowning:


Nope, I didn't fix any bug to do with zero (I may haves missed the discussion) , I just added the unhook feature , which is needed when 'paging' controls.

I can visualize why zero might cause an issue though. The approach is to hook, when you go past the value, this can't happen with zero or 64


Hmm Im not sure I understand what you're saying. Somekind of solution would be awesome though.


ok, Ive fixed it for zero.
the behaviour is slightly changed (improved), it will now hook when the input matches the param value, this means you don't have to go past the value to pick it up...
(you wont really notice the difference unless your switching modes, and the values match across modes.)

NOTE: @jaffasplaffa is using hookmod in his patch (above), rather than the factory hook object, so if your using this, you should update to using the factory hook object.