Hey mate
I do understand how you feel coming from nord modular. It can be a bit hard. The jump from the older Nord modulars nm1 and micro modular to Axoloti is very big. From G2 also big, but G2 got a lot more in common with Axoloti. BUT Axoloti is still way more complex, because of the very low level objects it consists of.
Regarding the patch. First of all I think I would make a controller subpatch from the Modular thing board, to make the master patch less confusing. OOOOOR you can just download my version of Modular thing controller patch here and maybe edit a bit to taste. There are 2 versions to choose from. They cover alot of functions:
About the noise on the input:
Feed Axoloti with as loud as possible signal. This should keep the signal-to-noise ratio low.
You could also try to add sputnkis object sptnk/effect/noise gate as first step after the input to remove noise below a certain db. I havent tried this object myself, but if it works as a regular gate, it should help a bit on your problem.
About making the patch better:
Maybe add a distortion/drive stage to your patch as first stage after the gate to beef up the sound? there are a lot of them in community library.
I'd suggest that you take a look at the community library. There are several other versions of chorus effects, that imo sounds better than the one you have used. The one you have used is very basic.
The filters after the delay:
Maybe move those filters so they are before the delay? Or maybe you put the filter after delay on purpose? There can be benefits of both ways I guess.
Generally I would suggest always to test several ways of doing what you want before deciding anything. Try different objects, etc.
Hope you find this useful