La Conduttrice - LED Sequencer & Drum Synth


Hey :slight_smile:

I've finally spent more time with the Axoloti again and started several projects. This one is the first that got finished: the "Conduttrice" LED sequencer and drum synthesizer!

The idea came to me when playing with the Lumanoise synthesizers, which use light (LDRs) to change pitch and filter cutoff frequency. I wanted a box that can output light synced to a beat, for example from the Multicassa analog drum machine, by the same manufacturer. The Axoloti was perfect for this!

Features of the "Conduttrice":
- 2x analog clock inputs (or internal clock)
- 3x clock dividers with pulse width control, driving LEDs (digital out)
- 2x LFOs (with Sine, Ramp & Square waves) driving two LEDs (pwm out)
- Drum synth using the clock divider triggers to ping low-pass filters, modulated by the LFOs
- 5x 9V center-positive plugs to power the Axoloti and also four other 9V devices with one power supply (like the three Lumanoise synths and Multicassa drum machine I'm using)
- Axoloti USB port can be used to attach other USB light sources, like LED strips for added luminous craziness :wink:

I attached the LEDs using 3.5mm cables and I'm waiting for a delivery of proper gooseneck thingies so that the LEDs don't just loosely hang there.

Here's a short video of everything in action:

And pictures:


Backside with five 9V ports, two clock inputs (L & R Audio ins) and some ugly drilling:

Inside with broken-apart Axoloti board:

RedSpring Ambient Spring Synth
RedSpring Ambient Spring Synth
Axoloti Travel Synth (now with sound + enclosure)

Great job, I've been meaning to play around more with the "led + light-sensor" concept. Digital led outputs, mixed with pwm variable led outputs, mixed with analog inputs, and maybe even some mechanical devices (springs, metronomes, slow fans...) could make an amazing setup with the axoloti... (Hum, you've given me more ideas than I needed, thanks :slight_smile: )


Thanks! Yeah, the ideas just keep coming with the Axoloti :smile: I'm also thinking just about a light synth or psychedelic LED audio visualizer. Have to check if RGB LEDs work with the Axoloti too.


Great idea, and very well done, my compliments. If you are interested in electromechanical aspects of electronic music check out the Field kit from Koma Elektronik, see
I was considering ordering one, but after having seen your 2 videos, I think I should better make it with my Axoloti :slight_smile:


Thanks! I'm also interested in the Field Kit, but since diving deeper into the Axoloti I also feel like spending more money on those :wink:


I very much feel the same.
I've found myself some 12v solenoids that I want to hook up to the digital outputs of the axoloti. I need to find time to sit down with a breadboard, and pump up my game a little (and get lost in time).
And as most of my gpio's are doubled by female jack plugs, I just need to make external modules that can go more or less anywhere.


@NightMachines & @mtyas - creators of fine instruments!

Ive got myself down for a field kit too, I think its going to be a lot of fun combined with axoloti..
also got myself an OMSynth (and Kastle) arriving next week... I think the next few months are going to be quite 'noisy' :slight_smile: