I'm using one pot (a knob on a midi controller) to control several different parameters and using the page (/template) function on my midi controller (a launchControl) to select which parameter the pot will control.
What this means is that I get discontinuous jumps of the parameters when I change between pages. My midi controller doesn't have a "pick-up" function, where the pot would have to move through the current value of the parameter to pick it up and start changing it. So I wanted to patch that behaviour in the Axoloti.
I've come up with this, which works but looks clunky. I've created a delay in the k-rate value using a +1 and -1 object stacked above each other. I tried using the k-rate delay object but its minimum delay of "32" was too long and meant the parameter value would get held and left behind if I twisted the knob too fast.
Is there a better way of doing this?
(The disconnect pot toggle button is there to simulate changing pages on the controller)