Hohum contributions


Hi Jaffa, thanks for your interest!

To answer your first point, In the last 2 months we did lot of experimentation with designs and materials and we collected feedbacks from the first buyers in order to improve the actual design and make everyone happy with. In a couple of weeks (hopefully) we will go online with the new website where you’ll finally find more informations about the controller configuration and the building up, but also: new Axoctrl box styles, Axoctrl full DIY KIT, Axoctrl PCB and a couple of new products.

I totally understand your scary, since my Keystep got completely yellow in less than a year, but that’s because a low quality paint.
Anyway we have some new designs made out of Wood-filament and soft touch PETG with black top surface. You’ll surely fall in love with it. :slight_smile:

The development is going well and Berend (@hohum) will load soon new code on Github. You can download the Axoctrl testing patch from our website.

All the parameters are variable resistors, there are no encoders.

If you have any more questions we’re here!


Hey Phil! we still have to send one to Johannes, he has the priority :grinning: we've been quite busy in the last months but we're getting back in track! We will add a "contributor request" on the new website so developers can submit their interest and ask for a testing board. Thanks for the suggestion.


Glad, for the sake of your future customers that you've reworked the design and materials. While functionally it was good, the quality of the 3D printed enclosure part of my axoctrl was laughably poor. Huge voids in the extrusion, messy thru holes (which required an hour of filing and trimming to make usable) and three strips of scotch tape on the top (with pots and plugs installed over it so it could not be cleanly removed) WTF?! I expected much better.


Thanks for the details. I will wait until new webside is launched and look for new designs and what else it will have to offer :slight_smile:

Sorry I dont know too much about this stuff.

Does that mean no jitter or low jitter? :slight_smile:


Yeah! I was really missing your disparaging and distrustful messages! When you are up enough to build an adult talk call me back! We've been super-available and respectful with every buyer, and with you too don't forget. We're doing our best. But still it's our "first time" doing this and we're learning too.


It means "low jitter"

New member having a Friday feeling

how's it going @Hohum_Gian / @hohum ?

I've not been tracking axoloti as actively as I might recently, but just stumbled on a post by @jaffasplaffa about your product, which I thought looked cool - so placed an order :slight_smile:
not sure how long it will take to get to Spain, but look forward to checking it out....

where are you at with the code?
I'm pretty busy next week, and it'll likely take a week or so to arrive, but after than I might have some time to look at the code and see where we are at...
Ive some ideas on where to go :slight_smile:
(how many units have you sold? feel free to PM me if you wish)

anyway, great idea, and nice to see you pushing things forward.




That's Karma! <3

You sent us tons of bad emails complaining about delivery Nederland > Canada because it was late (during Xmas) and that you were expecting to be delivered in 3 days (We are not Amazon) but you didn't complain about the enclosure?

You're doing it just now with this shitposting when you could have written us asking for replacement or return: so simple.

Honestly I could ignore this thing now, not just because it's totally OT, but also because you are over time to play like this.

Instead I decided to send you a replacement part because you also need a second chance to trust human beings.
You will receive your part when is ready.

Cheers - Gianluca


Hey Mark!
Thanks for your order and to support our project! your package should arrive in 5 working days.

Most of the basic code is done and now we want to implement some other features, plus integrate the controlling object with some pre-made patches. Of course we would love to receive contributions: on the new website it will be possible to send as a request and become contributor (idea from @philoop)

I'll keep you posted!



Are you saying it's Karma that I received a junky enclosure because I contacted you regarding a what I thought was a lost shipment? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I get the impression you guys are young and maybe this is your first hobby business venture, so let me give you a few bits of advice:
1) If you can't take some fair and honest criticism of your product without berating the critic, maybe you should try some other type of business.
2) Take a course in customer service. Apparently, the adage "the customer is always right" is concept foreign to you.
3) NEVER air your dirty laundry in public. It's a losing tactic no matter how tempting it is.

Maybe implement a new rule that you don't ship something to a customer unless you would be proud to have it's picture displayed on the internet. Win/Win for you and your customers!

Regarding a replacement part, don't worry about it.


Sadly, the pictures speak for themselves.
As far as i see, i prefer my cardboard enclosures.

Hope to see photographs of higher quality stuff from other users.


@SmashedTransistors I know they are working with some new materials.

I saw a picture of a prototype, it looks great. Waiting for it to arrive in the shop :slight_smile:


What I would really like is a metallic enclosure : robust and shielded (immune to electromagnetic interferences).
Something much like the beloved Clavia micro modular. Something reliable enough to be used on stage as a synth or effect with prepared custom patches you can trigger during the course of a concert.



Yeah, Micro Modular is really robust.

I dropped it from stage several times and it still worked flawlessly :slight_smile:

Basically build like a tank :slight_smile:


there have been some enclosures in that direction in the axoloti enclosure thread. (including mine). the easiest way is to use a hammond aluminium case, you can easily cut/saw/drill it and it has good shielding properties.


Maybe, in the near future i will have access to some drilling tools... so, that's an option i can consider seriously now :slight_smile:

I think that a metal enclosure with 5 push buttons, 4 encoders (endless pots) and a 2"42 display (it can display the 4 encoders values + oscilloscope) would be a great standard for "stage axoloti".


This is not how you respond to a customer. especially at your current price point.

Just because a customer is voicing their compliants on a forum does not give you the right to respond to them in that way. I understand both sides of this and it can probably be settled in private but he has a right to post pictures of the quality of your product.

That isn’t shitposting. It’s very useful information.


so mine has arrived....thought Id give a bit of feedback :slight_smile:

first the money shots!

(it comes with rubber feet, but I've not put on yet, just so I can get inside :slight_smile: )

overall impression

it was packaged well, and I like the little reference card you get, really professional looking.
bit fiddly to assemble (see below), but not hard, anyone can do it.
the pictures don't do it justice (here or hohum website) , it really looks neat, particularly the front panel.
I think pretty good for the price... and a good job for a small outfit.

patches/objects are good to show how to do your own patching (which is kind of the point!) , but I think a couple of better demos patches, would give a better/wow impression when you first turn it on!

audio out did not work, non hohum's fault , its due to me having an earlier axoloti board, see details below...
not an issue as I always 3/4" jacks or headphones anyway.

cool job, look forward to do some patching on it :slight_smile:

a few more details...

assembly / finish

the instructions on their website are really good - top job, very clear, easy do to.
it's a bit fiddly to put the axoloti into the enclosure, because the you have to angle the axoloti to the main audio jacks thru, but then you need to be fairly straight to put the header pins in, but a little gentle persuasion and it goes it.
apart from that easy enough... I did file a little bit of excess plastic off the cutouts, but that's to be expected from 3d printing.
generally, Im happily surprised with the finish (Ive had some bad experience with 3d printed stuff in the past)

small issue - axoloti variations!

only 'functional issue' is no audio output on the front jacks... but this is not hohum's fault.

I have to say, I actually expected this when I saw the build instructions, as I think there is a variation on axoloti core boards, I think earlier axoloti boards do not have the audio out on the back...

you see those pinouts the rout+- lout+- , those are labelled on any of my axoloti boards :slight_smile:
so even though I soldered the pins as detailed, no audio out from the front jacks... (audio in is fine)

I guess I could probably do a small patchier from the RTS pins above, but I was a bit unsure, so left it.
and frankly, I'd alway use 3/4" jacks anyway for input or output, or headphone output.

(but perhaps for others, @Hohum_Gian can advise if a small hack from the RTS out is possible)

provided patches/objects

I used the GitHub repo, and that caused me confused, as the current checkin does do anything unless you patch the OUT to the IN on the main patch... and the ones on the website as a download, have a bug in them.
... its a pity, as its kind of prevents the turn on , and wow factor that it could be!

but frankly, this is a minor gripe, as the point of this (and axoloti generally) is to create your own patches, and the provided patches are pretty good at showing how you might go about that.
probably more experienced patchers will just jump into the examples, to get details they need, but build from the ground up... well thats what I'll do :wink:

other thoughts.

there's quite a bit of space inside, I reckon, I could fit a small rechargeable battery, and/or a small speaker in there.

anyway I'm pleased with my purchase, and look forward to using it more!

note: I do feel sorry for @BrianA , as his obviously had issues, but this seems like an unfortunate incident, as mine is fine - I hope they can resolve it between themselves, and Im sure Hohum will be more careful checking things before they go out in the future.

FS EU : Axoloti

I guess I should have ordered the white one. Yours is SO much better than mine it's hard to believe. Happy for you!