Can't generate MIDI output


I have a simple problem. I can't generate any MIDI output! Here is the patch I am using to debug this. It uses a mouse connected to Axo to generate events. This is not usable in any way other than to watch numbers be generated and sent to MIDI output. X=note, Y=Velocity, triggers are as you see.

And of course the punch line is that no device connected to either the DIN output or the virtual MIDI port receives any MIDI events.

Thanks for the help and feel free to start you reply as 'You silly...'




It looks a bit confusing to me. I would probably rebuild the patch with ONLY the most basic stuff and make sure that works, before adding more. Make SURE the midi out is connected correctly and works before adding all the other stuff.

I didn't test it, but maybe something like this, for basics:

And remember, ALWAYS test, to make sure it works, before adding the next thing :slight_smile:


Are you converting the mouse x and y values to float? I can’t tell which modules those are. I don’t see any documentation on the range of values that the midi out takes. I assumed it would be integer values between 0-127. Is it more like CV? And if so os it 1V per octave?


F stands for fractional, not float. So converting from integer to fractional.

I dont even think they are necessary, but as mentioned, i didnt test it myself.

Look a the names > conv/to f

The color of the inlets tell you the types(and ranges):
green = integer, whole numbers
blue = fractionals
yellow = boolean (on/off)
red = audio

Well sort of. The range of the midi out is -64 to 64, NOT 0-127. Look at the signs at the inlet, it usually gives you an indication of what signal you need to feed it. Since the inlet is blue(fractional) and there is a + and a - (plus/minus) the signal is bipolar > -64 to 64

So you could subtract 64 from the 0-127 to change the range from 0-127 to -64 to 64.


use a conv/unipolar2bipolar object to do the conversion. This is probably the simplest.

Just play around with it and get the simplest set up working and then start to add stuff. You will get there.


If you want to understand everything a bit better, parameter ranges etc. then take a look at
Sputnki's tutorial on object coding here. It explains some of it:


This is helpful and hopeful. Will try..


Boy, would love to have the different modules documented too. This will get me going. Thanks.


Did you try right clicking in the top left corner of the objects and then select "help"?

A lot of the objects have helpfiles, that you can take a look at.


Well, sorry to say, this did not work.

Here is my version. I took out the monitors for posting, but all the values are correct and match the input types.

I have looked through all of the examples in the Axo distro and there are no examples of MIDI out. Not finding any examples in the postings either. So I wonder if this module works in the version I am using?



I just tried connecting a mouse to my Axoloti. When I connect the mouse, the board won't connect to the patcher. So I can't test anything. Sorry can't help you further.


I do have something working. I can watch the midi events in a terminal window using '/usr/local/bin/receivemidi dev Axoloti'. Here is what it looks like and it appears that 'usb device port 1' is the one connected to the microUSB.

Now to try it with a device connected to the DIN. This still has problems in that it is outputting a velocity > 127 for some reason, even though internally, when I watch the value being sent to velo it is in the 0-127 range. Must be a type conversion.


First @Mleysens, what are you trying to achieve? details here please.

This posts might give some more tips... mouse-use-cases