Axoloti release 1.0.11



Could you verify you have write permission to /home/lokki/axoloti/ and all folders inside that as well?
Executing axoloti as root may have created this folder with only root access permissions. Axoloti should not be run as root.


yep, i have write access no problem there,,

i never run axoloti as root...


what would be the command to run from the console to update factory and contrib at once? maybe i can try directly from the console and see if that works.


@lokki , Im just downloading the release to check on my linux install...

@nwmatt , what linux distro/version are you using?


nwmatt uses gentoo as per his post...


8 posts were split to a new topic: Linux install issue - certificates missing

Linux install issue - certificates missing

(edit - sorry lokki, meant to post it to Technobear or the list in general)

I've the same problem (Linux mint 18 based on Ubuntu 16.04, Mate edition).

Sync (checkout) FAILED : factory (1.0.11,anon)
Current factory library does not match correct version, upgrading master -> 1.0.11
Changes stashed successfully: factory (1.0.11,anon)
upgrade (fetch) FAILED : factory (1.0.11,anon)

My Java info is

$ java -showversion
openjdk version "1.8.0_91"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-8u91-b14-3ubuntu1~16.04.1-b14)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode)

Whenever I start Axoloti I'm told I have a user version mismatch and do I want to upgrade? Answering yes or no results in the same behaviour next time I start (I get the same error box and option to upgrade or not).

I saw that ~/axoloti-factory or contribs were empty so I copied old versions in but I still get a long list of Java errors (and numerous things to do with duplicates which is presumably related to this unmanaged lib copying):

Original name: wave/play fn
Duplicate UUID! ~/axoloti/objects/wave/play fn.axo
Path: ~/axoloti/axoloti-factory/objects/wave/play fn.axo

I hope that is of some use to someone!


you can do the upgrade, but it wont work!

ok for now, to get the libraries, and you are familiar with the command line you can do it manually

$ cd ~/axoloti
$ rm -rf axoloti-contrib axoloti-factory
$ git clone 
$ git clone

however, this is not a solution... since as soon as you try to sync the libraries the issue will come back, as the certificate used for authentication is for some reason missing now.

Im still trying to work out why we are even in this position... its not a code change, it something to do with the build, which also has not changed. it seems something has 'changed under out feet' since 1.0.10 (which still works)

personally, Id suggest you go back to 1.0.10 for now, which gives me more time to sort it out.

Im also a bit 'limited' with time today, as I just picked up two 7 week old puppies, so they are taking a bit of my focus/attention :wink:


cool, will do this asap


ok, i can confirm this works perfectly well. thanks @thetechnobear !!!


After installing 1.0.11 I get file error message after connecting Axo (below in bold):
And the fw-version says is that correct?

Axoloti version : 1.0.11-0-g4ffd432 build time : 28/08/2016 19:54:34 CEST
Link to firmware CRC 50A29AA2
Status: factory (1.0.11,anon) : OK ( 1.0.11,clean )
Status : home : OK
Status: community (1.0.11,anon) : OK ( 1.0.11,clean )
USB device found
Authentic Axoloti Core
search path : C:\Users\XXX\Documents\axoloti\axoloti-factory\objects
file error: FR_NO_FILE, filename:"/start.bin"
Firmware version:, crc=0x50A29AA2, entrypoint=0x20011000
search path : C:\Users\XXX\Documents\axoloti\objects
search path : C:\Users\XXX\Documents\axoloti\axoloti-contrib\objects
finished loading objects


The error isn't really an error, just saying you don't have a auto start patch on the Sdcard

So your fine :slight_smile:

Note: for those upgrading that have a start.bin you will see a similar error saying start.bin is incompatible with firmware i.e. You need to re upload start patch with 1.0.11

How to fix the START.BIN error?

The Console changed its font type, i liked it better as it was before.....

is there a way to change font type in prefs ?


The motivation for the console font change is to use a monospaced font.
If it looks especially ugly, which platform (Win, Mac, Linux) are you using?
Is this really a significant issue?

There is currently no way to change the font in preferences currently, only a custom build can.


I noticed it had changed too, but to me it doesnt mean anything. Looks fine on Mac :wink:


Please keep the monospaced font, logs/debugs in variable width fonts are evil.

Axoloti 1.0.11- poll
Axoloti TEST release 1.0.10

If anyone has issues with this release, can I please ask you consider keeping 1.0.11 installed, so we can work with you on the issue and get console logs etc. you can run your 'old' version alongside , see this post


i have the following issues:

subpatches with parameter on parent sometimes get their names reset to default names, so for example, if i have a dial named "bass gain" that name sometimes gets lost when i work on the subpatch. sometimes as soon as i open the subpatch from the mainpatch, sometimes when i close it.

second issue is that sometimes subpatches are not found anymore, and i get missing objects on the mainpatch. i can then replace the object and just search it again and it creates without problems...

both issues have no pattern that i could determine so far.



How ought I to get rid of all of these duplicate UUIDs? I have deleted and git cloned the axoloti and "axoloti-factory" directories but I still see many of these:

search path : /home/user/axoloti/objects
Duplicate UUID! /home/user/axoloti/objects/audio/in left.axo
Original name: audio/in left
Path: /home/user/axoloti/axoloti-factory/objects/audio/in left.axo
Duplicate UUID! /home/user/axoloti/objects/audio/in right.axo
Original name: audio/in right

(full list at for a month)


this looks like you have a copy of the factory objects in ~/axoloti/objects/
if you have not developed any objects, then I suggest you delete ~/axoloti/objects....