If the Control were to be redesigned, it would be quite nice to have several (4 is good) encoders with actual "scribble strips", perhaps 8×2 character LCDs (so, so cheap from China) that would show the name of the parameter being adjusted and the actual value. The STM32F1 should be more than powerful enough to support this.. The main LCD could be used for general info (see my "artist's rendition here: https://sebiik.github.io/community.axoloti.com.backup/t/spi-i2c-oled-display/638, disregard the middle one).
In its default state the knobs would control selected parameters assigned in Patcher and then all parameters of the patch could be controlled by scrolling through all objects (e.g. when selecting a chorus effect on the main LCD, depth, speed and ON would appear on the scribble strips)..
If the Control were to be redesigned, it would also be nice to go all the way and make it also serve as a general purpose programmable MIDI controller, desk space is a precious commodity and a nice controller with infinite knobs would definitely earn some 