Wrong architecture 'amd64'


When trying to install from the .deb i get "Wrong architecture 'amd64'"

trying the build.sh gives:

E: Unable to locate package lib32z1
E: Unable to locate package lib32ncurses5
E: Unable to locate package lib32bz2-1.0
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'lib32bz2-1.0'

info about OS:

$ lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty

$ uname -m

any idea?

I read "i686 means that you're using 32 bit OS." now
Is it possible / hard to install on a 32-bit OS?


I doubt its 'hard' , just a different set of packages.... some in fact you wont need, as we are using the 32bit libraries (which would be the norm on the 32bit OS) (this s due to a dependancy we have which is 32bit only)


I think the script is outdated or wrong for debian. (probably also for Ubuntu). at least for me on Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt9-3~deb8u1 (2015-04-24) x86_64 GNU/Linux it didn't work.

instead of using lib32bz2-1.0 use libbz2-1.0:i386 to install 32 libs on a 64 bit os.
Or libbz2-1.0 if you are on 32 bit.

I changed build.sh to make it work. probably there also should be a check for a 32 or 64 bit linux OS to point to the correct packages.

Edit: lib32z1 is the correct package for 64 bit

case $OS in
echo " sudo apt-get install -y libtool libudev-dev automake autoconf ant curl \
lib32z1 libncurses5:i386 libbz2-1.0:i386"
sudo apt-get install -y libtool libudev-dev automake autoconf ant curl \
lib32z1 libncurses5:i386 libbz2-1.0:i386

Also the Chibios download and unzip didn't work. But i am not on my machine to tell you how i fixed it. (for now try manually putting the chibios zip in ${PLATFORM_ROOT}/src .

Try install the dependencies for 32 bit like:
sudo apt-get install -y libtool libudev-dev automake autoconf ant curl libz1 libncurses5 libbz2-1.0

Hope it works




yeah i think your possibly right, that the lib32bz2 was an older way of doing it,
see http://askubuntu.com/questions/637113/unable-to-locate-package-lib32bz2-1-0

the problem we have is simple, we need others to update the build.sh script and issue pull requests, (no one person can have install all flavours on linux) , but then they need to be very careful they don't break things for other distros.

fortunately we will see if someone breaks the ubuntu 64 bit install , since travis build this (but its still a pain if we have to fix it) , this is why it can be 'supported'

i don't think there is anyone here, that has the time/patience to keep reinstalling new distros to test it... this is the difference between a commercial setup (which will only support limited distros as well) which has people who's job it is (QAs) , and an open source project where no one is paid to do this.

no one will thank us for support 10 different distros, which are broken on every release, and they will also be very critical if we release a version, and then it doesn't work ... its a no win situation.

here is my recommendation ... everyone use Ubuntu 64 bit 14.04, its what is tested smile
(hmm perhaps the build.sh, should warn this when run)

on the positive side, @johannes has checked in a pull request that someone made for arch-linux, this also makes it easier to support different flavours architectures, so if anyone wants to contribute changes thats most welcome.

sorry for the rant... anyway, upshot is if you have a better fix for the build.sh, please consider issuing a pull request.


I think it is fine, it passes travis-ci https://travis-ci.org/axoloti/axoloti/
Sourceforge is occasionally down, that may have been the cause.

I welcome pull requests...