Where to buy a Axoloti Core / Out of stock


sweet! comes with usb cable now :gift:


Receive my Axoloti yesterday. 4 business days from payment! Really fast and clear response. Nice to deal!

Thank you, @johannes!


In my experience most 24/96kHz capable ADC/DAC's sound good at lower sample rates too.

Sorry for the necro, but doesn't this depend on whether the anti-aliasing/reconstruction filters follow the sample rate change? Nyquist for 96kHz is obviously 48kHz, so if the ADC doesn't properly support a 48kHz mode and is effectively sampling at 96kHz and then throwing away every other sample then stuff above 24kHz will alias. Obviously that is above the range of human hearing, but obviously stuff above that can alias down into range of our hearing. There was a problem someone was having on the Mutable Instruments forums where their audio interface didn't have proper anti-aliasing filters when running at 48kHz instead of 96kHz and the ~39kHz PWM carrier frequency from their Shruthi was aliasing (39-24=15, 24-15= 9kHz which is definitely audible).

I'm just curious, did you account for that sort of stuff in your design when you elected to use 96kHz running at 48kHz?


The ADC/DAC anti-aliasing and reconstruction filters follow the configured sample rate.

Which audio interface is throwing away every other sample?


Aha, found the thread that I was thinking of:


It was a Behringer interface and what I said was actually just what Olivier (pichenettes) hypothesised rather than a definite explanation. I just wanted to make sure that the ADC/DACs using in the Core had proper support for 48kHz.

I'm looking forward to my board arriving! I'm sure I'll try processing my Shruthi at some point, so I'll report back.


I guess there is no US distributor? 12 euros to have it shipped is rather steep. I may wait until I visit europe... :slight_smile:


sorry, no US distributor so far.


Oh, it's worth the shipping price :slight_smile:


Got the thonk kit up and running ! Now I'm trying to figure out out to write objects using c code and what objects are already available.


That's too bad. Feels that this should be a perfect product for Analogue Haven or Perfect Circuit Audio ( both of which are, selfishly for me, located in Los Angeles :smiley: )

( I ended up getting mine as a full Axo-Control kit from Thonk, definitely worth the price ). I think this is the best Audio/Synth DIY platform by far.


perhaps contact these guys and tell them you want them to stock axoloti :slight_smile:

another idea, you could try to organise a 'group buy' on somewhere like muffwigglers, that way you can perhaps save something on the shipping.
... of course, the guy organising the 'group buy' has some risk...and Im assuming Johannes might be able to get a slightly better deal on shipping for N axoloti in a single box.

(you could try to organise here, but you'll get more 'views' on MW/KVR etc)


Checking in 2 years later!

Any updates on a reliable source for cores?



Another person asked this a little while ago. The only person who know whats up with the stock is Johannes, the developer. I tagged him a week or two ago regarding the same question from another user and he still have not answered that question.

And stock have been out for a while now.

We can try and tag him again, but dont expect anything.



I also would be interested into getting one but not many info avaliable...


Hey, I guess that @johannes can be on vacation/leave/sick sometimes...
As soon as possible i plan to get two or three more Axoloties too !


Even Sparkfun and Adafruit could also be interested.


Ive not checked this time, but in the past when Ive pinged Johannes, the cause has always been the same:

a longer than normal lead time on one (or more) parts, so he is waiting on parts before he can start 'manufacture' (and supplier might only give him a tentative date, so he can't commit)

@SmashedTransistors possibly... i don't really know what the economics are for low volume products (for stockist or supplier)... and i suspect Johanne's margins are pretty low i(f you take into account everything i.e. admin/shipping/website/support/development).
its kind of a general issue with keeping things small/boutique.


aaaaaa - just wanted to purchase a Core - now I see: out of stock

any hint where I could purchase a unit? :frowning:


(ive moved your post here, and also amended title, so we keep similar post together)

see above... you can PM @Johannes, but he is probably just waiting for parts.
(sometimes this can be longer than expected)

afaik, no one carries stock... only available from Johannes.
(Thonk did, but they've not had it for awhile now)


thanks a lot!

and yes, Johannes solved my issue already =)

now I need to train myself in patience.