Where can I find "Add to Library"?[SOLVED]


Pretty straightforward question here:
I created a patch/object, edited it and now to add it to my library.
I looked quite every bits of UI and I can't find any button stating "Add to Library"

If I understood correctly it should be there :


I'm gonna respond to my own question.
Took me 2h to find that item ... it only appears if you selected the object and opened the editor which is lot of conditions for that element to be accessible.

IMHO that action should be accessible even when the object is just selected and a button should be in the editor.


Yes true, you have to open the object editor for the object you want to copy and then go to the file menu and select "copy to library".

First time I had to locate it, I was also lost and didn't realise that the file menu changes when you open an object for editing.

But now you know :wink: