Whenever I add "gpio/out/pwm t3" other pinouts stop working


So, yeah, I'm trying to add a LED to keep in time with an LFO, and I've got the LED connected to a PWM pin on the axo board (PB1). I've tried several times now to add the object gpio/out/pwm t3. It does work and the LED does light up and keep up with the speed of the LFO, but whenever I do add the object to my patch, other previously working pinouts stop working, namely PB0 and PA7. Even if I don't connect the object to anything, so it's just floating around freely within my patch, these other inlets just don't do anything anymore. They were previously connected to 10K pots. WHAT!? I assume it's because these pinouts are outlets inside the object, but how do I use only the PB1 pinout without the rest of the object canceling out my original plans for PB0 and PA7? HALP

edit. I figured it out. Don't know how to delete thread. I just removed the outlets I didn't need from K-rate and Init-code. My first time messing with the code. Very spooky.