What things to axolotify?


We all love to create our own sound thingies – after all that's what Axoloti is for.
Apart from making completely new boxes, it is inspiring to check your treasure trove of used equipment for candidates to repurpose by embedding an Axoloti.
What are the most inspiring things you have found in your stockpile, and what do you imagine to do or have done with them? Not necessarily only MIDI devices like we talked about in the other thread. Toys for example.

- A small vintage tube radio I've given up to maintain/repair. Good show effect, could become a simple noise/effects/noodles machine that doesn't need an extensive user interface. Switches, knobs, loudspeaker can be kept.
- An intercom from the seventies with gooseneck microphone, in wood/metal case, "professional" look. Should be suitable for a vocoder or a live looper.


I have been looking a lot lately at wooden boxes online with the idea of creating a nice organic looking interface for a unit that i can take to cafes as a laptop substitute for music making. Sort of a woodtone unit with a built in touchscreen to edit patches.

I am thinking a mix between a Kaypro "portable" computer or a Mac Portable and a Movement Drum Computer which I had the honor to play with a few years ago. http://www.vintagesynth.com/misc/mcs_drumcomputer.php

I really dig that small screen workstation look.

But i would like the foldout feel of a typewriter case or accordion case

The best way i have come up with is to use a large Cigar box or wine box that opens and closes. I may have to triangle cut the case to get it to open the right way. knobs and screen in the top shell.

The bottom area will have a flat midi controller or maybe a mini qwerty keyboard.

i am thinking wooden knobs for a nice feel and i like the idea of a gooseneck mic attachment.

Eventually i would like to connect it to an old drive in speaker i have in storage.