does anyone have any experience with implementing wave folding?
I've done this so far... which seems to work but I'm not sure... and not happy with overdriving the input.
as far as I understand folding is done but passing thru a cos function, and you then offset this by the folding amount.
yes, i know you can do it manually by reflecting, but the cos function seems to be the accepted away.
( note : I want to do keep the fold ration at audio rate, so i get modulate it at audio rate)
what also usually seems to be done is to overdrive (i.e. saturate) the input and output stages with a soft clipping function.
and its this last but I'm not sure about... I'm putting it thru a soft clip, but really I think I should be multiplying it by 1.x but if i do that it seems to hard clip immediately to 1/-1.
how do i overdrive the input, such that i get soft clipping. (like overdrive~)
any other thoughts on wave folding on axoloti?