Using UART to connect to arduino for UI controls


Has anyone used the gpio/serial object?
I have a basic understanding of what I want to do on the arduino side but not sure what happens at the axoloti end.
E.g. Where do the values I send from the arduino go/ how can I use them to control parameters?

Arduino to axoloti thru serial

I use a Teensy for my build (arduino like) but instead of using UART on the Axo I send Midi CC's to control all the parameters. To do this I soldered on a little header behind the Midi IN socket. I'm going to start a project thread in the next couple of days so you'll see what I mean.


I looked into using the pins on the midi ports, but I would like to keep them available for connecting other hardware.
I know I am making my life harder by choosing do do it this way, but I think the end result will be better.


It appears Paul has devised a way to do it over UART and get parameter feedback as well. I'll need to test this out although I've proved the MIDI header ports working already and I'm certain it can handle being driving from an eternal sequencer through the real MIDI socket while receiving the odd knob twiddle on the header at the same time.


Yes what paul has said looks very very exciting. I am looking forward to exploring what he has to say on the matter. :slight_smile:


I have posted an example at the encoder thread.
MIDI would be easier to implement.


I've managed to get the Axoloti's remote display (with parameter editing and MIDI) on external OLED display but it's very hackish and not really elegant like paul's solution. It requires hacking the firmware and is compatible only with 1.0.9. Video and source files are here.