Using integers for a midi sequence?


is it possible? or any other way to use a series of number to make a midi sequence? .. trying to get a bit more precise than the sliders. .


Yes. Use the sel/sel i 16 or sel/sel i 32 objects. Note that these only go from 0 to 99, so you may need to use a math/+ object to add/subtract a constant number in order to get the notes you want. Use a disp/note object to debug.


thanks jan - i tried that but couldn't get it to change the input of an oscillator. maybe I'm triggering it wrong (couldn't find much documentation on sel / integer objects)


oscillator pitch, is +/- 64, not midi numbers (disp/note also uses same), of course you can offset this by the appropriate amount. (obvious other difference here is pitch is not integer, like midi... so this needs to be take into consideration when pitch bending etc)


Hey wishniak
If you do a search on "sequencer and display", you will find a custom version of the integer sequencer with both plus minus values.

I think that should work


If you focus a slider (clicking it), you can enter the desired number value on the keyboard followed by enter.
Hovering with the mouse will reveal the value.
Other useful shortcuts:
arrow-up to increment
arrow-down to decrement
tab to focus to the next slider
shift-tab to focus to the previous