I’m in the process of making an enclosure with controls for my Axo, as part of which I’m looking to use some of these little guys:
to create essentially a one-octave MIDI keyboard.
I haven’t got very far with connecting up those parts of the patch yet….
I’m imagining (based on a hazily-remembered Arduino experiment) that what I need to do is give the Axo the following instructions:
- As soon as there’s a change in PA0, start measuring the values from that input
- After ‘X’ milliseconds stop measuring
- Take the highest value obtained and use that to determine the velocity of the MIDI note
- At the same time, trigger the MIDI note
- Do not allow the note to be triggered again until after the value of PA0 has returned to Zero.
Can anyone who's used FSRs advise...is there a way to do this with the existing Axo objects, or should I create one? Or, is there a better solution which I’ve overlooked?