Using FSRs to generate MIDI note information?


I’m in the process of making an enclosure with controls for my Axo, as part of which I’m looking to use some of these little guys:

to create essentially a one-octave MIDI keyboard.

I haven’t got very far with connecting up those parts of the patch yet…. :joy:

I’m imagining (based on a hazily-remembered Arduino experiment) that what I need to do is give the Axo the following instructions:

  • As soon as there’s a change in PA0, start measuring the values from that input
  • After ‘X’ milliseconds stop measuring
  • Take the highest value obtained and use that to determine the velocity of the MIDI note
  • At the same time, trigger the MIDI note
  • Do not allow the note to be triggered again until after the value of PA0 has returned to Zero.

Can anyone who's used FSRs there a way to do this with the existing Axo objects, or should I create one? Or, is there a better solution which I’ve overlooked?


if all you want is a "button" from those fsr's then maybe it is a bit overkill to use those. i would rather hook the analog output to the volume for example to control that dynamically. note on and note off can be obtained with a > c and and a < c object, with the note off lower then the note on.


Brilliant, thanks @lokki! I'll give that a try. :smiley:


yeah give it a shot. note that i had to use a lookup table aoproach for my fsr midi controller (arduino based) since the fsr's are far from linear