Updating patch/object library without close and open Axoloti?


Hey smile

Have been making alot of subpatches the last few days and I notice that I have to close and open Axoloti before the new saved subpatch appear in the library.

Is there an easier way to update library, without having to close and open Axo editor? I looked in key commands but didnt find an answer.

Maybe a Shift+U command could be set to update the patch and object library?

Thanks in advance and good sunday to all smile


You mean if you have a patch editor open, and you click Update Library, you have to close the patch editor window and open a new one to use the updated library?


I mean If I have the editor open and I am working on a new subpatch. I save the subpatch. Then I have to close and reopen the editor for it to appear in the object library so I can load it in a normal patch.

I don't see an "Update Library" anywhere. Where is it located?


Oh. It is in the main Axoloti window under File. But you have to open and close your editor window anyway since it doesn't see the newly updated objects.

*sorry its called Reload Objects


Thanks. Yeah I tried the Reload objects, but still had to close/open editor.

Anyway, it is not that big of a deal, but if the feature was there, I might as well use it smile


you mean File/Library ?

this is not really meant for 'user patches', only supplied demos/tutorials... so should not change.
(you should definitely not be storing patches along with these, otherwise updates will overwrite your changes!)

Ive added a new 'Favourites' menu (in next release), this allows you to add your own directories for easy access...
(I suppose I should add an 'update feature' for that, ideally i guess I should just watch for changes on the directory)

If you mean the ObjectSearch window, then that should be automatically updated for sub patches.


I have added a folder called subpatches to the file menues(Java/objects/subpatches). I save my subpatches here for easy access.

But If I create a new subpatch and save it in that folder, I have to close and reopen Axoloti editor before it appears in the object list(the list you get when you push space in the editor).

I am on Mac.


the installer will likely overwrite this when you install a new version, so is not a good idea, and if the installer overwrites/deletes them - don't blame me smile

the reason the objects does not re-populate, is this is not the intended use, objects are more 'static' that sub patches, so no reason to re-scan.

sub-patches are best stored relative to the patches that use them, otherwise if you decide to move them to a new machines/share them its a pain. (to do with the way the patch references the path)

if you have sub-patches, that you use a lot, and really want them to be stored separately, then add a new directory to the search path in the preferences...

personally, I think this is an 'organisational' thing, get the sub-patches working/stabilised, and only then move them to the search directory once they are not changing.

anyway, not a bug, but by design... so will consider for a feature request smile


"the installer will likely overwrite this when you install a new version,
so is not a good idea, and if the installer overwrites/deletes them -
don't blame me"

  • Thanks for the warning. Didn't know that smile Maybe you should write that in the guide that saved patches within that Java/Objects might be overwritten on updates. I have another friend who put them in same place independently from me. Will tell him to move them. I think it just seemed like a logical place to put then with all the other objects Anyway, glad I didn't run any updates yet then. I created a new directory in preferences and works perfectly. Thanks smile
  • I just put all the utility subpatches in one folder and then I update them as I go and as I realize they need new features and then save them again. Works fine like that. I did encounter that the subpatch that had been changed was red when I opened a patch that contained it. I just had to reload it and it worked fine after that smile

Didn't think it was a bug. Just thought I might have missed a feature. I now have everything in the right places and it works better :=)


but your using a Mac, so this is 'within the application', on a Mac this would always be the case, users never change things inside the application. (shouldn't really do it on a PC either!)
this is the reason we have the search path, so you can add your own.

why not do this as a folder near your patches?
and reference with ../utilties/b.axs

and reference with ./utilties/b.axs

the advantage is search paths have to be entered by other users if you shared, otherwise they will come up 'red' as their location has changed

anyway, lots of ways to work, just personal preference.

(I personally use patch/patcher unless its for an obvious reusable object)


Yeah I see the point with NOT going inside the applications content and modifying anything. Didn't think of it. Is fixed now.

Maybe I will do that sometime. Still working on how to organize everything and also still getting familiar with Axoloti. For now I have the utility patches in "subs" folder(see pic). This makes sense for now. Probably going to change it again smile

The "red" ones are luckily easy replaced, so no problems there.

But happy that they are in safe folder now smile