Table/play pitch object out of tune?


I'm having a problem with the table/play pitch object. It plays the samples slightly out of tune. In order to make sure I made some new samples with sine waves on C3 and C4.
These samples read 130 and 261 Hz on the audio analyzer on audacity, but when I play them on the "table/play pitch" object they are at 126 and 255 Hz.
This might not seem too big of a problem but playing it with other tuned stuff you can really tell it is out of tune.
I have tweaked the pitch knob on the object and that is the closest I get to the original frequency.
Does anyone have any idea on what can I be doing wrong?
Here's a screenshot of the patch and subpatch I'm using, I'm trying to keep it as simple as I can trying to avoid mistakes.

EDIT: Samples are in .raw format, exported with Audacity as RAW (header-less) Signed 16-bit PCM


and you are at 48000 hz in audacity?


WOW ok, it was that, I had the samples at 44100 hz instead of 48000, I have just tried and I seem to be getting the frequency right :)))
Thanks @lokki!!!!