Syncing phasor to midi clock?


hi :smile:

how do I sync playback of a sample to midiclock?

lets say I have a 4 bar loop that i'd like to use in a track, but decides to increase or decrease the overall tempo while i'm working. how do I implement a function that makes scrolling through a sample relative to to the overall tempo...?

I guess what i'm really asking is, how do I sync the phasor output to my clock in a way that makes sure it always follows global clock?

thanks in advance to anybody taking time to answer, and thank you to everybody trying to make this forum as good as it is! much appreciated :smiley:


id look into this thread - I used the Rungler device by @hesspet to generate some random drum patterns:

i have it synced to my master clock (my Machinedrum) and it spits out some absurdly random patterns. i found it pretty easy to integrate it into my setup. heres my patch in case youre curious: 21016board.axp (41.2 KB)


thank you! i'll have a look... not sure if it does what i'm after, but looks very useful!!

@johannes i'd still love to know how to sync a phasor so it follows clock :smile: