Sync multiple Axoloti boards with DIN MIDI


I'm trying to sync multiple Axoloti boards with DIN MIDI and I ran into some problems.

Some things I've tested that work:
* Axoloti 1 connected with DIN MIDI cable to Axoloti 2. When I start the clock on the first board, the second board syncs perfectly.
* Electribe as master clock, connected to Kenton MIDI Thru 5. Axoloti boards and Ableton Live sync perfectly.

The problem however is this: Axoloti 1 as master clock, connected to Kenton MIDI Thru 5. Ableton Live syncs, as well as the Electribe. The second Axoloti board doesn't sync. Any ideas on how to debug this?

My ideal setup for performances would be one Axoloti board as clock generator, and three other Axoloti boards running in sync, all connected to the Kenton MIDI Thru 5. I want to perform without a computer, and I don't want to drag the Electribe with me.


Problem solved. The bug turned out to be a flakey MIDI cable.


Hi Janvantomme

This is awesome! I wanna control 6 axolotis and using them as CV control for my laser projectors, I wanna send my master clock from max/msp. May I know how exactly is this MIDI sync method? and what's the latency? it seems axoloti is a very cheap option to make a sync army with ok sample rate.


I basically send MIDI from my Electribe through the kenton box to some Axoloti boards over a DIN connection. Works fine for me. But it's still MIDI, so there's always some latency and it's not the fastest protocol.

DMX or ethernet are probably more suitable for lasers, but also more expensive.