I can't just switch my mind right now to diagnosing/testing this, need my focus on other deep stuff.
I was more after, what is the intended behaviour?
given you say:
Preset info is actually updated live.
this sounds like, in LIVE we should have the following functionality....
recall current preset
first press, recall current preset - update display, mark params yellow (this all works ok
then you should be able to alter the params , and the patch should change sound accordingly.
second press on same preset, stores that preset with current values.
(such that recall will bring it back, and it can be saved with patch when not live)
can I assume this is whats intended, so treat anything outside this as a bug , and I can take a look at?
I think this misses a use-case, which is common and very useful.
recall a preset, change settings , store preset in another preset.
this is useful as it allows variations to be built very quickly.
I think to do this, Id do one of three changes:
a) least 'change'
shift + EDIT preset # = dont recall just store
b) change in workflow, might confuse?
EDIT never recalls a preset, it simply stores (and we rename to STORE)
.. this makes it possible to 'accidentally' overwrite without thinking especially if your used to the old way.
but its much more 'consistent'.
c) we have a row of PRESET numbers, but no edit/recall row
press the preset, its a recall.
press SHIFT+preset its a store
(c) is the one Iike most ... Ive actually seen this elsewhere (e.g. max does this), it takes up less screen real estate, it wont confuse... as the look is different, so users will have to think - i don't think its easy to 'get wrong', as its pretty intuitive.
the only downside I see is you need to use a hand on a keyboard. (an option might be a 'long click' on a preset button for store ?!)
finally... it leaves us open to a keyboard shortcuts - number = recall preset, shift+number = store.
anyway, I know your busy... so can leave for now,
or if you just throw a few pointers to what its suppose to be doing, thats cool too.