Subpatch inlets scaling values


Hi. I have a patch which is behaving strangely and can't figure it out.

I and sending unipolar values into the inlet of a subpatch but the values get strangely scaled once inside. It is an MPE voice subpatch, so I'm not sure if that has something to do with it... because when i try it with a new subpatch in a new project, it works fine...

the values are all being multiplied by 4. Does that make sense?

any tips?


This is more like a work around rather than a fix: you could just divide by 4 to scale it back?


Yes that is what I did. But I was wondering why it was doing this. Is this a documented behavior?


Sorry no clue why it does it.


is it your own subpatch or one from the community? can you share the patch or a screenshot?


My own.

Doesn't make much sense to share the patch but here is a screenshot...
As you can see it is a four voice Polyphonic (mpe) subpatch.
All those divide by 4 objects are correcting for these inlets' weird behavior. What is strange is that I don't seem to be getting this behavior on all inlets.

When I map these inlets directly to a debugging outlet, the numbers come out multiplied by 4.


What happens if you change the polyphony to 2? I don't know how you measure the values inside the subpatch, but if you put them to an outlet again, this will be multiplied by 4, once for each voice.


hehe, was about to write the same :slight_smile:


Aha. Ok so it is the outlet, not the inlet, that is multiplying the value by the number of voices. Right?

That explains why my ADSRs were not modulating much! I was reducing my modulation by a factor of 4, thinking that it was the inputs doing this.

Thanks for the clarification.


think about it this way, how else could it behave? it basically has to add the four voices together if you have an outlet from 4 voices. as @Captain_Burek says, try decreasing the poly value to 2, the inlet should now multiply by 2.


Sure it makes perfect sense. I'm just used to the max msp / pure data bang event paradigm where the value that would come out would just be the last one received, not their sum. In general this is the main thing I have to get used to in axoloti. Everything is treated as a signal. All inlets and outlets are always "on". In max, when using non-signal connections, you can have several outs going into a single in, and the inlet gets updated with the last event.


@lokki I now realize that the proper way to get the envelope back out of a polyphonic voice subpatch is to use patch/polyindex and a demux to multiple outputs....