Strange Phase issues when using Delay objects



i am trying to get a simple stereo Delay of about one second. building them with the delay write and read objects i allways get a slight phase offset betqueen them. it seems to be unavoidable..

i tested serveral things to find the reason:

a mono source at the analog inputs, both inputs get the same signal. after the analog outputs i mix bouht channels with one flipped in phase- so they should null themselfes.

"blank" patch just routing inputs to outputs- no issues- they completely null.

patch with sd ram delay write and read objects- same setting- they. dont null anymore- phase relation has chanced.

patch with only one deleay write object and two read objects reading from the same adress as above: same result, chanels got out of phase...

so it themes to be the delay read object causing the phase issue.. how might this come? no idea how to go on.. i realy need both chnanels to be in phase and delayd about a Second... its so simple task but seems to beimpossible with axoloti...

any ideas?



do you want to post a screenshot of your patch.

without seeing, so pretty randomly, the first thing id check is the execution order. perhaps one channel is being executed one exec cycle later that the other, which could create a 0.3mS phase offset.


this cancels as expected, but if you move the delay/write (d2) down a little bit, you will see it doesn't phase cancel, as the write is executed after the read. i.e. its out by one execution cycle, giving a phase difference

is pretty obvious here, but these execution order issues can appear quite subtle at times.