On one of my boards, I'm having a strange bug. When I plug it in, after a short initialisation, the red led flashes (at around 120bpm) and the green one stays on.
The console manages to connect to it but it says my 5v : 0.11V and VDD : 0.08V
I've removed the SD card, tried with 9V external power supply and even un-soldered the VDD pins I had (leaving all the others). In every case, it does the same.
I tried booting it up with S2 pressed (same result) and even tried to do a rescue flash.
I measured the voltage coming from the VDD and VDDA, and they are around 3.14V (so it seems good) VDDC is at 0.75V
Voltages from the gpio's seem good too.
When I try to run a patch, it seems to start (I managed to light up a led on digital GPIO), but then seems to freeze (can get it to flash, and nothing shows on the disp/scope objects)
I don't know what I've done wrong, my two other boards work fine with the same setup (USB cable, computer...)
Any ideas ?