Im too thick to properly achieve this with code but I assume some slight delay of L/R signal is needed and also signal inversion. I actually stumbled onto the effect while hooking things up and having the execution order help achieve what is needed..but that is kind of a weird way to do it. Plus I'd rather have your input to understand it.
Stereo Width fx
Not only that, you should also have "selective" inversion, low frequencies should not get affected by stereo widening (bad things happen). You can achieve this with a couple of 1 pole lp and hp filters tuned to the same frequency.
Also execution order is a nasty problem, i think you should do some copy/paste work and make everything into one object if you want to achieve an usable result, i had some serius problems trying to make a stereo delay (one signal would come slightly delayed and mess things up).
It's the hardest path, but in the end you'll have some light code (coding is actually lighter than patching, both for cpu and ram)
You can pan low frequencies as much as you want these days, unless it's being pressed to vinyl (the needle would jump to the side). It's not very useful because low frequencies are very little directive.
But I suppose you were talking about applying short delay to the signal too, that could be more problematic as low frequencies can be a pain for phasing issues.
I got it working via execution order how i need but yeah I am worried it will break when the patch will be a subpatch.
ugh also im at almost 20% cpu use for a mono sound with this instrument..gross.
i applied 2 lazy ways for my supersaw sound for a nice stereo output:
1: duplicate your input and set other parameters to one of them (like setting the oscillator a octave down) and pan between them
- for a inlet i recommend something like different filters/effects and then add a pan
2: adding a short reverb.
inlet 1: audio l
inlet 4: audio r
outlet 1: audio l (with a mix for wet-level)
outlet 4: audio r (with a mix for wet-level)
this stereo sound was created using these 2 methods:
Has anybody implemented this as an object yet? I am not sure I understand the instructions above well enough.
All my experiments so far manifested in the haas effect where the non-delayed side sounds louder than the other one.
I would want to add stereo width to incoming mono audio.