Spring reverb (that classic drip sound)


I recently had a lot of fun patching reverbs, specially using the dispersion matrices by @SmashedTransistors and @TheSlowGrowth allpasses.
I was now trying to make a spring sounding reverb, with very little success indeed. I read (tried to...) this

And the only bit that made sense to me was in this one http://recherche.ircam.fr/pub/dafx11/Papers/39_e.pdf
and the general concept that a moving spring behaviour is a very difficult one to emulate.
Has anyone ever come close to patch a spring sounding reverb? Any general idea?


After extensively trying all the professional commercial spring reverb emulations available over the last decade, my recommended approach would be buying a 20$ accutronics spring tank.


Yeah, I'm with you in the endless discussion real thing vs emulation... BUT this is something I'm doing mostly for fun and enjoyng the process of understanding.
So far I was able to tune a "normal" reverb patch to sound a little springy, and that's not so far from the indecent "emulation" on my zoom multifx from the early 2000s. Basically it sound like s##t... :grin:
From what I understood the main thing I'm missing is how to tune a whole lot of allpass filters so that the high frequencies will lag behind in a audible way. And that's by now beyond my comprehension... Help guys!