Software for Protoboard Layout


Does anyone here know a good (free) software for making a protoboard layout? I have a project that uses all of the gpio and I definately need to do some planning to make this work, so any recomandations are more than welcome. Thx!


I have been using Eagle since a long time, but the free (and even standard) license has size restrictions.
I keep hearing good things about Kicad, and it's open source.


Fritzing is good for layouts and easy to learn. Comes with components for all the common maker parts (Sparkfun, Adafruit etc).


Thx for the suggestions!
I tried out both Kicad and Fritzing and I think i'll stick to Fritzing, really easy and intuitive.


For something rapid on stripboard or veroboard, i used


Some online tools that may be handy: