Thanks again:) I tried many different values (zero being one of them) and none worked so thanks for the explanation! and yes I know that it only has 5 values. I just found a random wave selector with too many selectors;)
Thanks! I'll keep quiet for a while now!
SirSickSik Contributions
New modules:
GateRndPattern: Random gate pattern (new pattern when you click the "rnd" button). Also includes an euclidian generator to combine with the random gates.
counter: just a small change to the normal counter, putting the Max-count control outside of the module, so you can have a "central" max-count for several different modules (including the above mentioned GateRndPattern module).
bam, in 15 minutes:
NEW MODULE: rndTapDelay (tapdelay/early-reflections)
Uses a for-loop to multiply delay-read instances, so you can make up to 16 taps/reflections.
Length sets the amount of taps.
Random button generates new time-values and volume-values for each tap.
download the latest firmware (please follow those instructions on the download page!) and you'll be able to use the contributions library
8x Midi-note sorting
The value of the note-inputs are cross-compared and determine how the notes are sorted out.
The destination determined by the note-inputs are also used to determine the outputs of the gate and velocity values (or any other signal for that matter, what counts is that the N01->N08 inputs determine sorting process!)
When a gate input is low, a high value is added to the respective unused note-pitch, to send it to one of the bottom outputs of the list (depending on how many gates are off).
The maxNotes output is the sum of all gates. To be used with a counter and multiplexer to set the max range for arpeggiators for example.
Simplified version of the above mentioned module, only sorting out the 8 inputs from low to high (o01->o08).
just thinking... why not just add an "active" input on the native axoloti oscillators? This way you can make a bank of oscillators and select which one you want to use. Then unused oscillators won't eat up any cpu as the whole code will be "turned off"....
- note to self * fix this!
just a minor tweak of the native axoloti oscillators, by adding an "active" switch, which disables the code in case the oscillator is not in use.
FILTER: "morphModeFilter"
morphable LP<->BP<->HP filter with resonance and cutoff spread between LP and HP settings(BW).
Using 4 standard filters which are morphed from LP to HP one by one using the "mode" parameter.
This enables lots of different filter types from 1 knob:
-24dB LP
-6dB HP & 18dB LP (Bandpass filter)
-12dB HP & 12dB LP (Bandpass filter)
-18dB HP & 6dB LP (Bandpass filter)
-24dB HP
-and every single position in-between
Center position is bandpass, lowest position (negative) is lowpass and highest position (positive) is highpass.
Resonance works in all modes, though only the LP filter has self oscillation.
Glide module for krate signals with 3 modes: exponential, linear and fixed rate. (first two are based on the difference between the output value and input value. Third one always uses the same rate, independent of the difference between input and output value)
Same glide module but with external glide time input
Not sure how to explain haha
Just tried something out and it sounded nice.. (using two sine signals or a phasor at the modulation input).
I guess, best way to describe would be something like a 'phase modulator', where the phase-shift is induced by the filter's cutoff frequency. It's not accurate, but at least it's something.. just try it out..
signal modulator based on a sine-mix between two filtered signals, which are being frequency modulated by the modulation input. The modulations for the 2 filtered signals are in 90 degree phase-offset. So you can also use the phasor oscillator to modulate the signal without creating harsh harmonics (the moment the phasor signal jumps from low to high, it's completely faded out, thus unhearable)
connect "audio to be modulated" to the "in" input.
connect a modulation oscillator to the PM input
connect a modulation LFO/envelope to the pm input.
Multifunction momentary button to toggled boolean.
Connect a momentary button/footswitch control to the input of the module. The module will use it's internal counter to make available several functions.
The time parameter sets the counter maximum and thus sets the time that you get for pressing the button multiple times. Though, when set to a high value, it will take longer for the module to update the outputs and the "hold" function will take a long time to activate.
4 "short" outputs: depending on how many times you click the button within the specified time, will it switch one of the "short" outputs, unless the button is held for longer then the "time" setting. When only pressed once, short1 will toggle, pressed twice, short2 will toggle, etc. When pressing 4 times or more, short4 toggles.
"long" output toggles when button has been pressed longer then the "time" setting EXCEPT if it's held longer then twice the "time" setting.
"verylong" output toggles when button has been pressed longer then twice the "time" setting.
"count" outputs the krate counter, so you can better see the timing-setting that you need. The count only gets reset if the button is pressed while the counter is at max.
"clicks" outputs the amount of times the button has been pressed before count reaches the "time" value.
"update" sends a trigger out when the counter reaches it's max while the button is released. This is the same moment the short and long outputs are updated.
"loopupdate" send a trigger out when the counter restarts (as long as you hold the button down, the counter will loop and this will thus create repeating triggers each time the counter is at zero.)
Easy updatable to more "clicks"
Attack/decay/loop/release envelope with modulation inputs
After the decay stage, envelope goes over into loop mode as long as gate is high.
Decay first goes to s1 level.
Then takes ds1 as the rate to go to s2 level.
After this it takes ds2 as the rate to go back to s1 level.
-Three sine-oscillators, where oscillator 2 can frequency modulate oscillator 1. Oscillator 3 modulates both 1 and 2.
-Frequency of oscillator 2 and 3 are set according to the sideband to be produced by the FM. (thus these are not the actual frequencies of the oscillators! Internally the actual frequency is calculated from the differene between carrier and modulator frequency.)
3 pitch inputs, so the sidebands can play their own "tune".
phase and frequency modulation inputs modulate all 3 oscillators at the same time.
-an exponential attack/decay looping envelope with randomised rise and fall times for each loop.
-minimum and maximum rise/fall time can be set
-control for smoothing out the randomised values for change-rate. (loop sounds like it's morphing between settings)
-two smoothed "random value" outputs.
-random drift generator
-width sets max random offset from former position
-smooth smoothes out the output signal,
-sets a maximum to the changerate of the incoming signal, causing a linearity if the incoming signal changes too fast.
-eg. turns a sine signal into a triangle.
FX: "phaser_HQ2"
now has a one-direction phase-morph (depending on positive or negative hz) and a sine crossfade from one readout to the other (while delay readout starts over at max-phase --> phase zero, it's completely faded out).
next one will have direct control over delay position.
FX: "allpass_HQ"
has a pitch control and input to set the frequency/time of the delay. Bits that are not used to select a buffer-point of the delay are used to interpolate between buffer-points.