SirSickSik Contributions


Brilliant, thanks for the pointers. Have plots working now with that so making progress.

Hugely appreciate your work.


ps. if people want to excess the data of the baseq sequencer, it's pretty easy build up:

-each channel-pattern is 96 steps of 8 bit velocity values
-there are 8 channels in total for each pattern
so to excess a preset/channel, it's:

using this, you might combine different patterns and channels or even parts of them together in new sequences.
Or make your own module to read from/edit to/save to anywhere in the entire list. Or make your own ordering/search module to make some kind of pattern-selection system.
The current size is about 2900-something (shows in local data), but you can make this bigger/smaller if you want.


About the baseq module:
what if we were to use less bits for the velocity and use the other bits for extra data? eg. slides / presets / open/closed hihats / drumsound-selector / 4-bit semitone, or whatever you can think of that can take use of a gate/bit signal. Is anyone in need of that or would you guys like to keep the full range for velocity?
We could also half the size of the data table by combining the values of two channels in one 8-bit value or keep the size and expand it to 16 channels (in that case, I better re-record the midi files as these could use any of the 40+ general midi drum channels, which I have sorted to just 8 channels in the current file)..


Freeing up some bits as modulation Parameter 1 and Parameter 2 etc for each of whatever drum synths/channel fx one might attach would be great
As would a pattern file visual sequence browser/editor.


two complete parameters won't be possible as 4 bits only allow a value from 0 to 16, though these gates could be used to select switch-values for example, to select from 16 different knobs, samples or whatever.


Still sounds very useful for noticeable p-locks.:grinning:


I suppose I'm the only one here who thinks the SickSik is cross-bred with a Tarantula. Man, I just saw the length of his fingers in that photo of the automation recorder, and nothing will convince me otherwise :rofl:


I'm dutch and tall :wink:


an orange tarantula with a very long beard.....
instead of 8 eyes ....4 brains


Can you share a patch example seq/baseq?


baseq demo.axp (66.0 KB)

demo of the baseq sequencer
you'll need the sequence-table uploaded here:




2nd order filter with a high resonance swing and continuous morph between lp->bp->hp based on my own filter design (difference between input and filter value is itself filtered, causing the filter to act as like gravity between input and filter values while in a frictive subtstance (tame and damp controls), creating a rubbery sound)


Probably been asked a million times, but were do I download these?


Normally all of these would show up in the contributions tab, right? I can't seem to find the DYN patch..


Hey I'm new to Axoloti Community and maybe I'm missing something, but where can I find your modules?
Can't wait to play with KarplusStrong2!
Thanks, Arno


Maybe you have to synchronize with the library:
File -> Sync Libraries


I normally don't upload patches.. I mostly make modules within some project which I then share (the modules)..
If you go to sss/dyn/... you can find several compressors/limiters/transient designers.


Hi :),

After syncing the libraries is don't see the path you're referring to. Am I in the right directory?


You're looking at the patch library... Double click the background of the patch and it opens the object library




a combination of 3 mutable instruments effects (rings: chorus, reverb and ensemble) and a simple pingpongdelay/phaser (dependent of delay time, feedback amount and whether you modulate the frequency input).
a "order" input lets you select the routing order of the 4 effects. As this routing is done internally, no latency is being added to the signal. Lots of different fx combinations are possible with the 24 different order-combinations