SirSickSik Contributions




adds together-amplitude modulated sines to the incoming signal. The sines are driven by the incoming signal, using it as a phase modulator.
The position-controls offset the "center" position
The width-controls set the level of the incoming signal, being used as a phase modulator.
The mod-controls set the level by which the "phase" is multiplied, creating frequency shifts
The level-control sets the wet-level.

applies a fixed offset to a particular value with exponential crossfading between original signal and peak-height, creating peaks in audio signals.


Thank you for the answer @SirSickSik . I have another question about a few objects I am wondering about how to connect properly.


Id like to take the clock from the lfo and use it to sync the repeater. But I cant figure out how to connect them right. Any hints?

Thanks :wink:



how are you getting all these new folders?
also this is the standard windows dialog, does it not allow delete if you right click on a folder.
(been a long time since i used windows other than for compilation :wink:)

anyway, perhaps worth raising a post with details in the helpdesk if its an issue, as its only by pure chance i spotted it here.


there's a button to create new folders, though right-click doesn't work in the window somehow.
though I could still go to explorer and delete them outside the axoloti patcher.
then again, have done that several times already haha


you should use the "ratioVCAI" (note the "I" at the end)
then connect the Ksamples output to the in of the ratioVCAI and the output of that one to the "size" input of the repeater

you should not need to add the mux to switch off the repeater when repeat is off.


The muxers are added cause the sounds is not passed through the object when the object is set to off. So I have to route the signal around the repeat object.

The same on OSX. You cannot delete folders ot file from Axolotis file menu.


I've just checked it.. it's letting the audio through when repeat is off..


Hm. Strange. I'll check again. Yesterday when I tested it I didnt get sound through when off... Probably human error.





crossover filtered mixing delay line
-the incoming audio is divided in three frequency bands using the freq1 (lp/bp) and freq2 (bp/hp) knobs for crossover cutoff and then spread across the taps.
-each tap can be positioned anywhere in the buffer, both writing tap as well as reading tap
-one writing tap can be selected as "overwriting" tap, overwriting the buffer with the respective filtered input.
-the other two writing taps mix the incoming band with the buffer.
-the reading taps read out different parts of the buffer, which, depending from their position, read out recorded bands (as long as they're not being overwritten by the overwriting tap).

This can cause different types of delays, depending on writing and reading positions of the buffers, sometimes completely ignoring a frequency band while feeding back lots of energy from another band.

Time-modulating is not (nicely) possible with this module as there is no interpolation.
Though interesting rhythmic variations can be made by host-syncing the module (clock2timing module, don't forget to connect the pow-out pin to the clock2timing samplelength input)





An emulation of the eurorack rubicon oscillator with some extra waveforms and options, though lacking the soft-sync and exponential fm (yet?) .

pitch: well.. it's the pitch..
freq: linear thru-zero highpass-filtered FM audio input.
FMS: select waveform for internal frequency modulation
intFMW: adds to the width of the internal linear thru-zero FM.
extFMW: connect an envelope of LFO to open up the external FM.
HSon: switches hardsync to on when the gate is high.
waveA: select waveform for osc 1
waveB: select waveform for osc 2
mix: select waveform for controlling the crossfade between osc 1 and osc2

sub: transposes the sub oscillator 1 octave
FMW: controls the frequency modulation width-offset for the internal FM
extFMW: controls the width of the incoming k-rate envelope/LFO on the extFMW input
FMS: same as input
waveA: same as input
waveB: same as input
mix: same as input
pw: sets pulse width of pulse-waveform(9)
LP: sets lowpass frequency
HP: sets highpass frequency
Hsync: manual control for syncing the oscillator to the "freq" input

the displays show the waveforms that are selected.




control several lists from a knob and fine-knob
set the list-size of each list with the corresponding selector



I tried your QO_modules but no sound at all.

Can you post a screenshot of a patch please?

Here is mine:


hihi, patched it up perfect, now turn up the volume sliders :wink:


Ok!!! Now its working good!
Thanks :smiley:


moehahahaha, I'm busy on a new wavetable designer, though completely automated.
you just set the starting settings, press the "create" button and it will create a wavetable of 1024 waveforms of 1024bits each. Then press the save knob to save the wavetable to your SD-card and then you'll have a wavetable to be used with my table oscillators. Each complete table creation takes about a minute while you can't hear any sound, then you can set other creation values and create a new table . Quick and easy, in comparison to creating your own waveforms by hand, one by one. :slight_smile:


So it eventually processes the waveform offline. Interesting.

I think there was a post from someone else on the forum about doing essentially the same thing. It might be interesting to see the similarities and differences between your approaches to wavetable creation.

Cool stuff...






a self designed lowpass&highpass filter (type is depending on chosen input)

due to the design, there is always resonance, though the filter slope can be quite steep.
As so, there is not really a resonance knob (though if you look to the code, you can see that the darkness knob is in fact a feedback path). The resonance parameter is called darkness as it mostly influences the enhancement of higher or lower frequencies brought about by the resonance.

Because of this, the filter is seriously raw, even adding sub-oscillations to your sound.

The "max" parameter is a limiting value of the maximum linear change between changing samples

as the filter updates it's increase/decrease values at input-change, it can also function somewhat as an oversampling filter for samplerate-reduced or stepped signals with quick jumps in voltage and staying on the same voltage for a while.


Do you ever take time out to eat or sleep? The amount of output you provide to the community shows you probably don't. I'm just now experimenting with your very first contribs... I may never make it to SirSickSik realtime.




removes fast slope changes from your signal. eg. saw, pulse and other hard-synced signals.
cutoff-parameter should be left in clockwise position (or might be used for extra 6dB lowpass filtering or just lowering the frequency ceiling)

note though that it also behaves as quite a heavy waveshaper, so it can also add harmonics..

gain parameter boosts the removal of high frequencies when sudden changes happen (lowers cutoff frequency of lowpass filter at audio rate)

smooth parameter smoothes out the cutoff-modulation (just another internal 6dB LP filter)

3 modes can be selected:
0: direct dirac, the change between two consecutive samples
1: dirac-change, the change between two consecutive dirac values
2: dirac-change-changerate, the change between two consecutive dirac-change values.


sampling a white noise generator at a given rate (rate parameter) and going through a controlled bandpass filter.
parameters can be audio-rate modulated.
gritty, dirty, nasty and ugly..


WAVEFORMS FOR EVERYBODY!!!! Whiiiiiieeeeeee :scream:




Creates 1024 waveforms of 1024 samples each into a single wavetable that can be saved to your SDcard and recalled by other wavetable modules.

wavetable creation is done by stacking harmonics in different orders for each waveform.

Just make a small patch, only for creating the tables! Use my table oscillators to use your created tables. (there are some more coming)
When you press "create" you'll notice your cpu shoots to 100%. This is "normal" as it's trying all that it can to keep up the pace ghehehehe With lots of harmonics per-waveform, the whole process can take up to 45 seconds!!

Connect int-displays to see how far the process of creation is. When it hits 1024, the process stops and you can use the "maximise" button to do another process to maximise all the waveforms independently to the same peak-volume.

I've also added the "fatbasterd" distortion as a process for maximalisation, though this quickly drives into lots of pulse-like waveforms.