has an extra clockdivider for setting which triggers get delayed. Combine multiple clockswing2 modules to create complex swings.
random measure generator
depending on it's use with tempo-synced LFO's and other pattern generators all kinds of different polyrhythmic patterns can be generated.
Set the maximum 'bar'-count with the "total" parameter.
min sets the minimum amount of counts per measure
max sets the maximum amount of counts per mearuse
press random to re-randomise the measures
quant quantizes the measure length to whole steps in power of 2,so 8ths->4ths->2s
TRIGGER: multiple ways:
-connect the trigger input to a tempo-synced LFO which gets it's rate multiplied with the max-output of this module. this way measures always take the same time, but you have fills at different rates->polyrhythmic measures: 1/1,2/2,3/3,4/4,5/5
-just connect a LFO to the trigger, this will create measures of different time-length: 1/1,2/1,3/1,4/1
r resets the internal count back to zero, useful if its running allongside other sequencers and needs to be reset at the same positions.
rnd randomises the whole set of beats-per-measure.
count: outputs the count-per measure/stage (drive some pattern generator with this)
max: outputs the maximum count for the measure/stage (for if pattern generator asks for a maximum count-input)
stage: outputs which stage the counter is in (useful for adding variations per measure/stage)
c: outputs a trigger when the total-count restarts at 0.
normal: outputs the normal total-count
normax: outputs the maximum of the total-count (for same use as max output)
another extended version of the quadTable, with independent pitch offsets for the 4 tables and two XY-morphs for the table and sines and a Z-morph between tables and sines.
Dual sine generator, using the positive dirac-difference part of the incoming audio for generating the frequency for the "sine" for output1 and the negative direc-difference for generating the frequency of the "sine" for output2.
When either of the one is on, the other is fixed on it's last position.
you can mix the outputs with the original audio for sine-based wave-distortion