Receives Midi Continuous Controller messages
Also has a CC-entry for setting a "zoom" function. This bitshifts the incoming midiCC and only updates the part of the internal value that fits the zoom-bit-depth. This allows for a "universal zoom setting", so every parameter can be controlled up to the tiniest precision.
"midichordIN" and "midichordOUT"
these module function to share the scaled notes generated by the tonnetz sequencer with other axoloti's over midi. As my latest sequencer is calculated based upon frequency-ratio's, which would not be able to be send over by normal midi notes, I needed it to have a precise half-semi-tone ranged pitch-bend with each send note.
This module thus sends the generated triad over through midi, other modules can be used to generate the rest of the scale or generate accompanying chords/transmutations.
this module I wrote for use with the "gateSpreader" "gates-input". 3 parameters are used to send the incoming value over to 1 or more of the 4 outputs. When width and slope are set to zero, the sum of all the outputs is the same as the input, perfectly dividing the "amount of gates" set at the input over all the outputs. Adding width will widen the "center", which is set by the "select" parameter (the output that will receive most of the input value), causing the outputs next to it to get closer to the center-value. The slope parameter will set how slow the slope drops. When either width of slope is set to 64, all outputs will send the full input value.
Translated into using with the gateSpreader:
-you can select which of 4 voices gets the most "playing time"
-you can mix in other channels to "fill up" your song
-all of this can be externally controlled with lfo's and pattern generators
based on the factory-module VCF3, this one has 2 filters in a single module, together with the softdrive module in between to limit the resonance.
8 saw/pulse waveforms with detuning, non-bandlimited. I myself use it as a phase-offset generator for my new wavetable-oscillator to turn it into some kind of super-wavetable-oscillator.