Several axo core / patching on one computer at the same time?


How is it possible to connect 2 axo running different patch
and still editing the patch at the same time …?



Very easy: NOT POSSIBLE.

You can load the same patch on 2 Axos, but it uses the DSP of the patch it is loaded on. One patch cannot share dsp between 2 boards...

I would love that feature, though :wink:


you can run multiple (e.g. 2) instances of the axoloti UI, and connect one instance to each axoloti.
with each instance you can then edit the patch, and take live to control.

(not sure if thats exactly what you mean)

note: mac's dont let you start multiple instances from finder, so you will need to open a terminal and enter

  open -n /Applications/


thanx technobear this is what i needed to know !!!