Serial pin in schematic


i'm confused...
In "AXOLITI In/Out Overwiev" and in the /gpio/serial/config object serial pins are PA2 for TX and PA3 for RX. In the schematic on page 6 is a table where RX is PB7 and TX is PB6.
I think this must be a mistake while PA2/PA3 seems to work.
Am I right? I'm just planning my hardware extensions to core and this must be correct.


He as far as I know PA2/PA3 are the serial pins.


too bad. I thought so. It would have been better if the pins had located on PB. You want as many potentiometers as possible. And so unfortunately one has two less.
I will make the connections switchable, depending on how it is needed. That's how I'll do it with the spi interface. If I use relays, which are driven by drivers of output pins, I can then also let the software control.

But the problem remains: the data in the current schematic seem to be wrong. I hope the routing is at least correct...

Thanks in advance