Selling Axoloti Board / Marketplace



due to lack of time i would like to sell my Axoloti Board with Laser Cut Case and Cables.
Its a great piece of Kit but requires time that i do not have at this point. Therefore i was wondering if it is cool to do so on the forum and if there is a category/place to do so ?
Dont want to be rude but could not find any info on this topic.

Thank you



Theres not really enough boards being re-sold to justify... and no point in encouraging other non-axolotl sales, as there are better (= more traffic) places to do this.
e.g. muffwiggler/kvr/ebay

your welcome to post in the hardware section though



thanks for the quick answer. I will try at muffwiggler and ebay.

Keep up the great work...


I hope thisnis in right thread !i am selling my axoloti and axocontrol assembled and perfectly functioning in new england usa (new hampshire) i can sell local or will accept us postal money orders .mssg me i can send address and phone number.its amazing unit !!!!


Was wondering if you were still selling this & if so what you were asking? Feel free to message or if you want to send an email, it's , Thanks! -Graham B.