There's all sorts of alternatives or things to change to save sram in a patch.
I just saved 700 bytes by editing all my mix objects.
I left out all the bus inputs and all the gain controlls.
Using tables (like with jaffa's table2) instead of wave/play is also a real sram saver.
Using midi/in/cc instead of midi/in/keyb note for my buttons saved me some more sram.
Also putting objects in subpatches uses up sram too.
Anybody else got some tricks to save sram?
I am making a list of how many sram bytes an object uses.
Everytime i check an object's sram usage i write it down.
Here is what i allready have
inlet b : 96
string/indexed : 136
wave/play : 2580
gain/vca :216
mix/mix 2 (red) : 288
sel/sel b 16 8t pulse : 800
sel/sel b 16 old : 92
filter/lp svf : 328
osc/saw : 332
osc/sine : 180
osc/square : 568
Community :
jaffa/table/table2 : 172
table/table play pitch : 300
TSG/fx/reverb : 16104