San Francisco, May 20, 21, & 22, 2016, Maker Faire


I wanted to let everyone know that Believotron will be hosting a booth at the San Francisco Maker Faire.

We will be primarily talking about open source audio, focusing on Axoloti and our Believotron Waveshaper controller.

If you have made something with Axoloti and want us to demonstrate it at Maker Faire, we'd love to showcase your project. Even if it's just a photograph and some text, we want to show the world this new platform. I'm always excited to see the spark and look of recognition dawn on people's faces when they realize how powerful and gamechanging platforms like Axoloti are.

So, if you're going to be at the faire, or just want to show off your cool project, let's talk about it here.


Believotron Wanderlust Axoloti Controller