Sample display object


Hi all,

I've made a sample display object!

It's by no means perfect (the display gets weird with longer samples and different zoom levels) and needs some work but it will display a sample stored on a table.

It has a 'sample accurate' mode that displays 128 samples of the recording, or can zoom in and out (gets a bit weird, needs some kind of averaging to display the waveform more accurately I think).

You can scroll when sample accurate or zoomed in using a blue inlet which is the range of the recording, or by a green inlet where 1=1 sample.

2 sizes, and can work with oled screens. The bigger one will only display the first quarter of the display on the oled.

Here's some pics of a short recording displayed zoomed out, zoomed in halfway, and sample accurate. And a help patch with objects embedded.

sample display upload.axp (15.6 KB)


Awesome work as always Matt, incredible, can't wait to check it out

edit: just had the briefest few minutes of play, so impressed, zero crossings here we come


Thanks, glad you like it!

I sort of stumbled upon it - I was modding a scope into a midi synced scope that shows x bars and realised that the scope display is an array and a sample is an array so...


Matt this is AWESOME! Thank you!


And here's an update!

Now has 2 markers!

Markers are positioned using either a dial that is proportional (I.e. A value of 32 is halfway through the recording) or directly with an integer (the exact sample). The integer is offset by the dial.

There are outlets to show the sample each marker is marking, and their integer and fractional value.
There are also outlets that show the same for the 1st sample displayed.

You know, just in case it's handy.

sample display v2.0 upload.axp (25.2 KB)


Awesome work, hoping to find some time playing with this!