RNBO ("rainbow"): compile to hardware, vsts


I'm not a Max user but this looks veeery cool, compiling to both hardware and vsts is quite the thing. Worth a look!


Biggest issue I have is that the copyright to the resulting c/c++ code is owned by Cycling'74 and not the developer.

I'm also biased in that I am currently maintaining the Pure Data equivalent project called Heavy/HVCC :wink:


As Miller puckette (Creator of Max and pd) said once: Why paying for something that you can have for free? ..
Now matter how 'rounder' the corners of the objects are in max , at cycling they are pretty late in the game... 'pd people' has been doing what they are teasing right now since more than ten years ago..
Also comparing with Axoloti. I wouldn't exchange one of mine for a raspberry 4 and a license of that..


Great points! for me as a busy person with limited capacity to dive into the technical/compiling/coding side of things, I really am hoping to find something exactly like the Axoloti for Eurorack. A visual patching experience that is quick and easy to use and compile and doesnt require me to develop coding skills I don't have time to pursue.

I would be very interested to hear if anyone from this community has had a good time using Pd and the Daisy patch.init?


BEfaco has at least 2 eurorack modules that can run puredata patches on them.
one is the LIch module and the other is called ac/dc. They are based on rebel / OWL. / heavy

Also... you can preview the patches in the browser before uploading them into the devices & there is already a good collection of them..